Example sentences of "[art] period when " in BNC.

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1 Begin with a light regime and then gradually increase the work-load as the acute phase ( the period when the injury is most painful but the effects have not yet manifested themselves ) comes to an end .
2 Every leap , turn , beat and somersault is perfectly co-ordinated with the phrase and with the music despite the fact that the dance scarcely reflects the period when the music was composed as does Ashton 's choreography in other ballets ( see page 42 ) .
3 From 1943 till 1952 — the period when Pollock produced all his most surprising work — the two of them were , in part , painting for each other : to see each other 's surprise .
4 Then came the period when I used to hang out a lot just with DeFries and we 'd drive down to David and Angie 's place in Beckenham , Haddon Hall , on Sundays , and Angie would cook and we 'd sit around .
5 ‘ The Poetry of Perestroika ’ is an anthology of poems that were written , or published for the first time , during the period when the bureaucratic grip was gradually loosened .
6 ‘ That brings in another advantage — the period when you can inject is increased , as soil damage and compaction are greatly reduced .
7 And for the mass of the petty bourgeoisie , which had from the beginning provided a backbone of the ‘ Hitler myth ’ , the period when , materially , the Third Reich turned to unmitigated disaster only seems to have set in from 1942 onwards .
8 But inside , this time is far , far worse than the period when I was anorexic .
9 It is significant , too , that the Crofters Commission , even during the period when the scheme was viable within the curriculum , could only operate it because of a gift from a private individual .
10 From 1953-.65 , the period when the Green Revolution was underway , the wheat yields of the ejido sector lagged behind those of the private sector ( Pearse 1980 ) .
11 This is the period when the new owner asserts himself as pack leader .
12 Group spokesperson Fatima Whitbread commented : ‘ The commercial activities of the club and its members will provide sufficient monies through the athletes ' individual trust funds to cover the period when they are no longer involved as competing athletes and embarked on a new career . ’
13 The only conclusion that can be drawn from the above correspondence is that Stirling must have had some sort of operation in mind using parachutes during the period when he was returning from his second visit to Sirte .
14 The School for Nightingales was danced to music by Couperin and set ( in the period when he lived ) in a singing academy where ‘ the arrival of a visitor suggests that singing is not the only lesson to be learned ’ .
15 The next largest cycle in the Maya ‘ Calendar Round ’ contained 18,980 days , corresponding to the period when the 260-day and 365-day cycles meshed together .
16 The simple truth is , though , that you will never be in a better position to arrange suitable contract safeguards than during the period when a company is anxious to secure your services .
17 Quite apart from the memory of the treatment Mrs Thatcher had dealt out to ‘ It Took a Riot ’ , around the time of the 1983 general election Heseltine was telling friends he was very concerned about an accretion of power to the premiership ( this was the period when the possibility of a prime minister 's department or , at the very least , a beefed-up Downing Street Policy Unit was being floated ) .
18 Pearson searches for the period when such a stable , traditional way of life supposedly held sway .
19 What detailed changes were there during the period when D was formed ?
20 Professor Clifford Formston has vividly described the Hobday debacle , and the period when the College was based at Streatley on Thames .
21 The items showed that the burial had taken place at the period when the cremation of bodies and burial of the ashes in urns was practised .
22 Bukharin was making clear the distinction between the period when means of production were gathered into the hands of certain groups , who then used them as capital and thereby began the process of the accumulation of capital , and reproduction o f capitalist relations of production .
23 Some books are encountered too late , after the period when they would have had maximum impact .
24 Karen carefully calculated the period when she was most fertile , and while that window of opportunity was open I was on standby twenty-four hours a day .
25 This was the heroic age of the Italian cities , the period when small cities flourished as much as large , before the giants eclipsed their neighbours .
26 Looking back on the period when he was seriously searching as a fourteen-year-old ( and for a man with a mind of Russell 's breadth this was no ‘ mere adolescence ’ ) , he described it like this :
27 Fortunately , it was the period when Keaton was just being rediscovered .
28 Embroidery was introduced to the island by Miss Elizabeth ( Bella ) Phelps , a British resident , during the period when the oidium disease struck the vines between 1852 and I 862 .
29 FRS 2 argues that not setting up a debit balance ‘ would obscure the comparison between the assets and liabilities attributable to the minority interest and those attributable to group interests both during the period when the accumulated losses accrue and afterwards , if the losses are then made good by later profits ’ ( para 81 ) .
30 During the period when I was preparing my Report , three groups of people were involved in manoeuvres to control the National Curriculum in English : journalists , politicians and professional teachers .
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