Example sentences of "[art] period and " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , the style used should reflect something of the period and quality of the chosen score ; secondly , the dance should reveal something of its technical construction ; thirdly , the movements should parallel the composer 's treatment and development of the various episodes and the orchestration .
2 How Ashton reflects the period and quality of the music
3 Each reflects something of the period and quality of the music , the period being of the time when written by the composer or when presented as a ballet and the quality being that inspired in the choreographer by the composer .
4 This last convention is invaluable in early training because it helps to stabilise balance during the transfer from one foot to the other and is also valuable in such ballets as Birthday Offering as it echoes the period and style of Glazounov 's music .
5 He writes , ‘ The notion of the sacrosanct text is alien to the period and yet it is central to the literary criticism of Shakespeare . ’
6 Thus , the great advance in literacy over the period and the expansion of the young population .
7 Shaving their heads unlike long-haired middle-class students or pop singers of the period and wearing heavy workmen 's boots and braces , they seemed like a caricature of the world that their parents had left .
8 Influenced by the lower pound , earnings jumped by 22 per cent during the period and over the nine months .
9 Undeniably , the Board 's regulations of 1924 and 1932 exerted a powerful beneficial influence on the nature and extent of provision for liberal adult education throughout the period and proved to be a major factor in facilitating the rapid increase in the scale of activity .
10 However the next month she had severe blood loss with the period and the Arsenicum LM3 she was on did n't produce the same sense of wellbeing .
11 The bronze obelisk is 22 metres high and is decorated with the names of the dead of the Five Days together with a group of five weary people symbolizing both the period and the spirit of the Milanese .
12 For much of the period and up to the First World War , the targets of the largest movements of national liberation were the two great empires of Eastern and Central Europe — that of the Romanovs in the Russias and of the Habsburgs in Austro-Hungary .
13 This is not a symbiotic relationship because that involves a continuing separateness of identity throughout the period and process of partnership but it is an integrated relationship in which the enterprise — venture or project or more general association — is on a level of continued mutuality of interest and concern .
14 Right from the start of the period and up to this present time late in the twentieth century , it has provided numerous examples of the manner in which mankind has failed again and again , in his efforts to mitigate the suffering inherent in the ruthless laws of evolution by replacing them with something better , something which it called ‘ civilisation ’ .
15 He considered the biographer had entirely misunderstood the period and wanted to know my reasons for doing the book and my qualifications for attempting it .
16 The broad regional divisions with the county 's agricultural structure remained more or less unaltered through the period and the local differences in prosperity grew even more acute .
17 Finance costs should be recognised at a constant rate on the carrying amount , and that amount will be increased by the finance costs in respect of the period and reduced by payments made .
18 This amount should be increased by the finance cost in respect of the period and reduced by dividends or other payments made in respect of the instrument in that period .
19 There will always be varying ways in which a woman 's relationship to her home is expressed , depending on the period and culture in which she lives .
20 The charge for taxation is based on the profit for the period and takes into account taxation deferred or accelerated because of timing differences between the treatment of certain items for accounting and taxation purposes .
21 We may examine the technologies applied to the basic raw materials in early Anglo-Saxon society , wood , metal , clay , fibres and minerals , paying particular attention to aspects which are peculiar to the period and leaving the general matters of technology as understood .
22 Millett takes the absence of large saws ( 1983 , p. 198 ) literally and assumes timber would have been split radially ; it must however be noted that tools are generally rare finds during the period and the absence of a surviving saw need not represent the real situation ( Wilson 1968 ; Darrah 1982 ) .
23 Interior design , furniture and furnishing for the period and traditional home .
24 The hotel boasted passenger lifts , electric bells , revolving doors and even a ladies ' smoking room , which were very advanced for the period and reflected the Midland Railway 's innovative character .
25 ‘ My dress hangs here ’ is her only picture of the period and expresses with sharp irony her sense of outrage at her husband 's glorification of American values and incidentally reveals as much about her own sense of insecurity ( est. $1–1.2 million ; £666,000–800,000 ) .
26 The mean period is 331 days , but both the period and the amplitude change from one cycle to another .
27 It would have taken no additional effort to assemble a selection representative of the period and presenting a new view of many leading artists ' activities and styles applied to this medium .
28 But the sale had its quirks too : enthusiasm among bidders for an inelegantly and oddly shaped sixteenth-century Lombard dignitary 's chair in walnut pushed the price all the way up to a staggering FFr900,000 ( £93,500 ; $162,700 ) , a world record for a chair of the period and almost twenty times the estimate .
29 Employment in construction fell by 7000 over the period and employment in transport and communications fell by the same amount .
30 With regard to Pentos , the Portfolio was uninvested at the start of the period and stayed that way throughout , thereby preserving itself from what would have been a painful experience .
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