Example sentences of "[art] market system " in BNC.

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1 But it contains the hallmarks of a last-minute compromise with conservative critics of the market system .
2 As the Eastern European economies submitted to the attractions of the market system all the excesses of the eighties somehow look slighter .
3 Firstly , the penetration of capitalism into rural areas brings about the spread of the commercial nexus , usually through the market system .
4 It includes three main elements : the spread of the market system ; the spread of a communications system ; and the penetration of national institutions .
5 The spread of the market system brings the peasant into contact with a nation-wide network of distribution .
6 The market system holds out opportunities for the peasant , but it also makes his situation more precarious .
7 With the Kulak path , some members of the peasantry adapt successfully to the market system , thus becoming relatively wealthy , while other peasants only become impoverished , so creating internal social differentiation within the peasantry .
8 They had no subsistence plots to fall back on , some tried reviving traditional handicrafts but these could not compete with the manufactured goods that had been made available by the market system .
9 Both communities demonstrate the way that involvement in the market system creates differentiation , though this is greater where bigger fluctuations take place .
10 The hermetic atmosphere in which the election was conducted was a celebration of the monotheistic religion of the market system , the diminishing of our capacity to change the world , the extinction of social hope .
11 In the market system therefore competitive prices embody information which people can use to make their decisions regarding what to produce , where to work and which skills to develop .
12 Competitive markets are essential if the market system is to operate effectively .
13 First is the moment of the ‘ bourgeois revolution ’ , marked by complex and overt class struggle within cultural fields , by the spread of the market system through almost all musical activities , and by the development and eventual predominance of new musical types associated with the new ruling class .
14 In the case of private goods there are no significant external costs or benefits associated with their production and use and hence the market system can be efficient .
15 The very efficiency of the market system as an allocator of society 's resources is appraised by examining the allocation of resources at equilibrium .
16 Thus the role of the state was to provide the economic , legal and administrative infrastructure ; ensure adequate supplies of labour resources through education , health and welfare ; and maintain the working of the market system .
17 They remain certain that planning , when in the proper hands and organized in a proper way , can bring a degree of social responsibility , security of conditions , and avoidance of waste and duplication , that no market system of atomized competitive production units can ever hope to achieve .
18 This enables him to preside over the process which I have described with the minimum of overt interference , the constriction of the budgetary limits performing much the same role as the balance of supply and demand in a market system .
19 Radical economists have argued for an escape to a market system before it is too late , but the conservative establishment has always over-ruled them .
20 The starting-point in Eastern Europe has been clear rejection of Marxist economics and clear commitment to a market system , complete with private ownership and private enterprise .
21 Three major processes are identified as being responsible for new forms of subordination that inspire resistance in the form of new movements : firstly , a commodification of society as individuals are increasingly brought into a market system ; secondly , bureaucratisation resulting from increasing state intervention into daily life and finally cultural massification as the influence of mass media becomes more pervasive ( Slater 1985 ) .
22 China 's shift from a planned economy towards a market system has involved the dismantling of old controls but not their replacement with new ones .
23 The international system is often conceived along the lines of a market system whose moving force is maximization .
24 For the longer term it envisaged the strengthening of civil liberties , a ‘ stage-by-stage transition to a market system ’ , international cooperation and democratisation of the party itself .
25 The details of its form influence organizational behaviour and performance just as structure influences conduct and performance within a market system .
26 A strategy for the transition period had to be worked out ; a sudden switch to a market system would produce " riots in the streets " and the government 's downfall , he said .
27 Linked with this were the revival of the economy through a change to a market system , the restoration of the environment , improvement and protection of social conditions , linking the country to pan-European structures , and relations between Czechs and Slovaks .
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