Example sentences of "[art] attention to " in BNC.

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1 The attention to detail displayed by Fox reveals much about New Zealand 's attitude to the game , nothing being left to chance .
2 If you lose sight of that , all the attention to detail in the world is not a great deal of use .
3 The concern for order that Phillip shows is perhaps unusual in young children , who share little of the attention to detail or sequence needed for complicated adult existence .
4 Children need the variety of experience and the attention to detail that the teacher is able to encourage .
5 He suggests that the systems model is applicable to the study of comparative industrial relations since , although every county displays special or particularistic industrial relations characteristics because of differences in the environmental settings in which they operate , ‘ the attention to rule-making in industrial relations systems provides a common denominator for the comparative analysis of different forms ’ ( p. 27 ) .
6 One is led to ask whether it is the attention to and general nature of such claims that first needs explaining , especially when it appears that they derive from such a specific social group , namely those in a western academic sub-culture who could arguably be said to have their own interests at stake .
7 Again the attention to detail is very precise and the decorated miniature niche behind the bed is a delightful feature .
8 Much effort has been dedicated in strategic management to narrowing it , to pinning it down ( as in the attention to ‘ generic ’ strategies ) , likewise to narrowing the process by which it forms ( in the attention to ‘ planning ’ ) .
9 Much effort has been dedicated in strategic management to narrowing it , to pinning it down ( as in the attention to ‘ generic ’ strategies ) , likewise to narrowing the process by which it forms ( in the attention to ‘ planning ’ ) .
10 Much of the attention to detail that was wont to mark my dealings with the gentler sex .
11 Indeed , the attention to hardware is much less important even at this stage than might be imagined .
12 The attention to detail has covered paper sizes , colours and qualities , forms handling machinery , punch holes for ringlock binders , minimal use of codes , preprinted marginal notes , and devices to aid visual impact such as tints , contrasts colour , corner flashes , etc .
13 She had watched him working delicately on the door , with all the attention to detail of the perfectionist , and had known him to be the sort who got what he wanted in life through hard work , never by taking the easy way out .
14 Lucker fondles the bag for a second , running his finger over the embossed dates and destinations with the attention to detail of a Braille reader .
15 It is an example of the attention to detail which is characteristic of the whole BS 5750 system .
16 Friendly enthusiastic , yeah , did n't use any slang erm the link was there , the attention to the client 's responses that was good , I was saying to erm th th that , that sales people tend to be a bit sort of more rabbit than Watership Down , you know that they 're
17 But all the attention to the young pretender , there 's no dismissing the appeal of his older predecessor !
18 I like the attention to period detail .
19 It is the attention to that detail which makes them stand out .
20 I paid every attention to her during a long sickness and , a short time before her death , she requested that I should make a mummy of her body , and keep her beside me — I have kept my word . ’
21 Behrens 's book , however , pays no attention to politics or to public matters .
22 For among the rather few objections by Pound that Eliot paid no attention to were one or two which would have required him to make consistent , in terms of locality and historical period , some of his references to London life .
23 When the Germans invaded Belorussia in February 1918 , they paid no attention to nationalist aspirations .
24 Pay no attention to me .
25 Among a series of films designed to cash in on the success of Hitchcock 's Psycho ( 1960 ) , for example , was Seth Holt 's The Nanny ( 1965 ) , made with the visual flair of his earlier Hammer picture , Taste of Fear ( 1961 ) , and telling the powerful tale of two sisters , both dependent in their own way on the woman who brought them up , who pay no attention to the declarations of their son and nephew that it was nanny who killed his sister and now wants to kill him .
26 ‘ Crew members are tearing dolphins out of the net and dumping them on the deck with little or no attention to whether they are alive or dead .
27 Now , if it had simply been given to the woman , Common Law would have said , ‘ We can pay no attention to this separate use .
28 Yet he soon divorced his first wife , quite casually , to cement a treaty against his brother Carloman , and certainly paid little or no attention to orthodox Christian morality .
29 The conference lamented the fact that manufacturers did not produce small packs of goods for single-person households , and that retailers paid little or no attention to the needs of consumers who were handicapped by age or poverty .
30 He glanced back secretively over his shoulder at the other three who were talking and paying no attention to him .
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