Example sentences of "[art] top of " in BNC.

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1 What is valuable is to see that here is a critic writing at the top of his bent .
2 Difficulties can be many , at the top of the list being the number of items to be catalogued .
3 Besides , there 's only one for the top of the class .
4 His bleary eyes filled with tears but he tilted his head back and glared at the top of the tent .
5 I had nearly got to the front door when Father appeared at the top of the stairs .
6 That increases the surface tension on the top of the coffee — or is it the specific gravity ? — so that when you dribble the cream slowly down over the back of the spoon it stays on the top . ’
7 Liz , the receptionist , peered at me over the top of her pink-rimmed spectacles .
8 I mean , I 'm not saying I want us to be living at the top of a tower block on some vandalized estate but there 's more to life than this , I know there is . ’
9 I was so caught up in what I was seeing that it was only when I reached the top of the close where they lived that I started to think again about what I was doing there , and it was then that my feelings of fear started .
10 A little way along , I saw a path running up the bank to my left and on the top of this bank there was a rather eccentric mock-Gothic porchway .
11 The beans have now reached the top of their 6ft canes and I 'm praying that any autumn gales will be delayed until the beans are all safely harvested .
12 For earwigs bend on molesting your chrysanthemums , wood-wool or hay stuffed into a small flowerpot hung upside down at the top of a cane offers a similarly unsafe and temporary lodging .
13 From their first-floor sitting room the Lloyds have a new perspective on the garden , the pool and the top of their pergola !
14 During a winch launch the potential load on the glider is at a maximum near the top of the launch , when the pull of the cable adds directly to the weight of the glider .
15 Sideburns shall not extend below the bottom of the outer ear opening ( the top of the earlobe ) and shall end in a clean-shaven horizontal line .
16 Go to Woodstock , the sea , the top of a mountain , a river , go forever from the flat respectability of home and market town .
17 Jay kissed the top of his head .
18 There are some people who claim to be able to control an axe kick to the top of the opponent 's head , but I have never seen this done effectively enough to score .
19 Therefore , you should train to lift the level of aerobic endurance by selecting a training routine and working at it until your pulse rate is raised to the top of the aerobic band .
20 If the opponent 's attack is a face punch , then hit his extended arm with your forearm , glancing your punch over the top of his and into the target .
21 If the action is sharp enough your opponent 's punch will graze over the top of your head , helped on its way by a fast rising block .
22 James nodded to him as though for confirmation and then said loudly , ‘ Let us go to the Castle — ’ He became aware that the further reaches of the crowd were out of hearing and shouted at the top of his voice , ‘ Let us go — along to the Castle — and let us see — what John Menzies — will do about the Act ! ’
23 He dreamed , each time , of his plantation in Jamaica — banana palms leafed like green fountains , bright orange papaws clustered at the top of their naked stems , a noise of surf quickened the air with its rustling freshness .
24 Up the slope , at the top of his semi-circular steps , Alexander Menzies was waiting for them in his best silk coat like a dandy at a ball , with a straightfaced young man standing by his side .
25 As the men at the windlass rope heaved and a long timber started to rise up and swing , the wheel on the pulley squealed like an injured dog and the man stationed at the top of the wall took a stickful of thick grease from a pot , leaned out , and worked it into the axle .
26 An old twenties or earlier photograph of Jewish emigrants to Palestine adorns the top of a bookcase .
27 He rose , flung his arms wide , took a deep inhalation of sea air and climbed the few paces to the top of the dune where he would be visible to the clothed .
28 I 'm sure they 're the sort that drop sticky stuff on the top of the car . ’
29 They were free to look over the top of the box to see what size the bricks really were , and they were quite aware that their own view was distorted because one of the portholes contained a magnifying lens .
30 A braindamaged man who lives with his mother near the top of the tenement comes in at eleven o'clock , after sweeping out Seventh Street Pizza .
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