Example sentences of "[art] days [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The new latrine in its fairly protected situation , and the newly appointed shithouse clerk was to be a great boost to Commando morale during the days ahead .
2 For myself and Eileen as we move on to a ministry which will have its own surprises in the days ahead , we hope that we can lead our beloved Church on .
3 I thus set about preparing for the days ahead as , I imagine , a general might prepare for a battle : I devised with utmost care a special staff plan anticipating all sorts of eventualities ; I analysed where our weakest points lay and set about making contingency plans to fall back upon in the event of these points giving way ; I even gave the staff a military-style ‘ pep-talk ’ , impressing upon them that , for all their having to work at an exhausting rate , they could feel great pride in discharging their duties over the days that lay ahead .
4 Our plan for the days ahead was to drop to the valley floor and follow the Hongu Khola northwards to the wild Panch Pokhari at the valleyhead , then return westwards across the difficult Mingbo La pass to familiar territory in the Solo Khumba .
5 It 's a quality he 'll need to cultivate in the days ahead . ’
6 I was content to be on my own , glad that I should have no need to accommodate myself to a fellow-countryman , that any decisions in the days ahead would be entirely mine .
7 Do n't worry or get frustrated , you should use the days ahead to take a second look at your international or community interests .
8 But those long in the tooth in analysing IRA intentions well know that what is threatened in their terrorist statements is not necessarily what is planned to happen in the days ahead .
9 Precisely this eventuality had been considered at the highest level in the days just before the war ended .
10 The data included the days just before delivery when , for most futures ( but not index futures ) , volume falls sharply .
11 In the days just after Antoinette 's funeral , however , the postman brought bundles of letters to the kitchen door .
12 Not good enough to fret the days away ; let her use them , enjoy , let there be something rich about her to love and desire .
13 The Sheikha again said that it was a story from the days past but Halema did not say another word .
14 Can you begin to adjust your life-style to the new time zone in the days immediately before departure ?
15 But in the days immediately after the General Election defeat , Mr Smith not only launched his bid but got into an impregnable position thanks to his support from the big unions .
16 In the days immediately following the Crucifixion , Simon Peter must have been , as Anita Mason depicts him , increasingly puzzled — and still more than a little alarmed — to find the world around him still intact .
17 Our report concerns events which took place in the days immediately following the end of the war in southern Austria , the area of mountains and valleys making up the province of Carinthia .
18 It is still not generally appreciated just how serious a threat to the peace of Europe was posed by the situation developing in north-east Italy and southern Austria in the days immediately following the end of the European war in 1945 .
19 In the days immediately following the surrender of these formations , the question of any repatriation had been considered , as we saw in Chapter Five , only in the broadest terms .
20 Nor will concession be made to a tendency to weep during the days immediately before her period .
21 Nevertheless , in the days immediately after the congress there was evidence that an exodus of members from the party was gathering pace .
22 In the days immediately following the coup attempt there were a number of demonstrations in support of Djohar .
23 De Gaulle 's foul temper in the days immediately before and after the Normandy landings reflected more than just annoyance at the exclusion of his movement : he was still confident that events were moving in his favour , but the huge imponderable of American intentions remained a source of concern .
24 It later transpired that in the days immediately preceding the budget he had found time to eat only once — a poached egg at the Lyons Corner House which was then opposite the House of Commons .
25 Music to Keep the Days Apart .
26 Er , Those Were the Days somewhere , I ca n't pi pick it up now .
27 I think a lot depends on what the days like .
28 The following Sundays , for example Trinity Sunday , are the days specially fixed for the ordination of the clergy .
29 But the days pleasantly went by .
30 I often think back on those days ; they seemed so halcyon , but I do n't regret their passing , for the days now are sweeter , even if so many must be spent apart .
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