Example sentences of "[art] [num ord] six " in BNC.

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1 In marked distinction to the solicitors ' branch of the profession , the pupil barrister may not earn any money during the first six months of pupillage and there are only limited opportunities for earning in the second six months of pupillage .
2 During the second six months he can , and may get a little work ; but until at least a year after the end of pupillage he will probably have to live on his parents or spouse .
3 Trees grown on MM111 rootstock will reach a robust 18–20ft in height , but wo n't crop for the first six years .
4 Her mother had both children late in life , and was wonderful for the first six years of Jay 's life .
5 Group profits before tax for the first six months of the year soared by 46 per cent but the final result to 30 June , announced last week , showed a less than sparkling advance of 26 per cent to £1.28m compared to earlier City predictions of £1.4m-plus .
6 Some 169 Washington babies died before their first birthday in the first six months of this year , bringing the capital 's infant mortality rate to 32.3 deaths for every 1,000 live births , a 50 per cent increase on 1988 .
7 The company said that the first six months of the year ‘ have seen more new business than during any previous period ’ .
8 Worldwide , Lowe International won over £100m of new business in the first six months , more than double the total 1988 increase .
9 Other innovations include a comprehensive presentation of results from the previous day 's principal meeting , featuring the breeding of winners , the successful trainer and owner , extended distances , and details of the first six finishers .
10 Other innovations include a comprehensive presentation of results from the previous day 's principal meeting , featuring the breeding of winners , the successful trainer and owner , extended distances , and details of the first six finishers .
11 Taking everything together , I strongly suggest that the idea that an economic miracle took place in the first six Thatcher years is a very dangerous myth .
12 The Supreme Court 's July ruling admitted for the first time in 16 years the right of individual states to restrict abortions during the first six months of pregnancy .
13 At present , patients are prevented from receiving the benefit for the first six months of a terminal illness .
14 As we discuss the changing role of the traditional high-street off-licence , it is all too plain that none of the first six customers have browsed or bought wine or done what the market research says they should be doing .
15 Admits , though , that he stayed in the clubhouse for the first six innings of a game ‘ because I do n't want anyone to see me sweat ’ .
16 If your employee qualifies for the higher rate , it should be paid for the first six weeks that higher rate SMP is due .
17 Higher rate of SMP is payable for the first six weeks of her absence .
18 Figures from the Public Health Laboratory Service ( PHLS ) revealed 7,848 confirmed cases of salmonella during the first six months of this year , a 17% decrease over the same period last year .
19 But the PHLS warned that the first six months of the year were always lower risk times because of the colder weather , and said figures for the third-quarter could be higher .
20 The senders of the first six cards out of the back pocket on March 15 will be the winners .
21 The first six etudes , completed in 1985 , were stimulated by Ligeti 's studies of rhythm in sub-Saharan music and the multi-layered polyrhythms in the pianola works of Conlon Nancarrow : and the two new ones drew partly on ideas from gamelan music .
22 With Spain pushing hard for one of the first six seeded places , England could find themselves unseeded and playing in Sicily too , as the side ranked No.2 in a Group F headed by Belgium .
23 The number of listeria cases rose by a quarter in the first six months of this year , Dr Diane Roberts , of the Central Public Health Laboratory , told a London conference yesterday .
24 IF YOUR New Year resolution is to become a home owner , the Yorkshire Building Society is offering first-time buyers mortgages at two per cent below its standard interest rate of 14.75 per cent for the first six months of the loan .
25 Société Générale , one of the country 's biggest banks , had to raise provisions against dud loans by more than half in the first six months of 1990 .
26 The 0.1% productivity rise in the first six months of this recession compares with an average fall of 1.2% ( at an annual rate ) in the same period of the past four recessions .
27 They tracked all the involuntary departures reported in the press of chief executives and chairmen of British firms in the first six months of 1988 .
28 Botham had the first six wickets before Marshall and Baptiste held him up for while , Marshall being lucky not to be on the wrong end of a legendary catch when Don Topley , a groundstaff boy who went on to play for Essex , brilliantly caught him one-handed on the square leg boundary , only to put one foot over the rope .
29 For the first six months they have to live in at a training centre .
30 In the first six years of the Thatcher premiership eleven private sector industrialists were given peerages .
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