Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] committee " in BNC.

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1 Attlee proposed further debate in the Defence Committee , while stressing the impossibility of any immediate withdrawal of British forces from India , Indonesia , or Palestine .
2 Most of the key decisions on military and political expenditure overseas in this period seem to have been taken in the Defence Committee , and simply endorsed by the Cabinet .
3 The division in Cabinet between Dalton plus Attlee ( plus , occasionally , Morrison ) versus Bevin and the Chiefs of Staff , supported by A. V. Alexander , the Minister of Defence , was reflected in the Defence Committee 's first meeting on 11 January 1946 , when Dalton and Attlee queried the level of British forces around the world , and Bevin and the defence chiefs defended that level .
4 These papers were debated inconclusively at the Defence Committee meeting on 5 April 1946 ; further inconclusive discussion followed on 27 May 1946 and again on 19 July .
5 This view , which had been accepted by Britain at an earlier date , was reiterated by the Ministry of Fuel and power to the Defence Committee in 1946 .
6 Despite the memorandum by Keynes referred to above , the foreign exchange aspect of overseas government expenditure was conspicuously absent from the debate in the Defence Committee from its beginnings in 1946 right through to August 1947 , by which time it may be argued that the damage had largely already been done .
7 The Chiefs of Staff did not want to do this , and the Defence Committee was worried lest the Korean conflict should divert attention from other danger-spots in Asia and blind Britain to the risk to which it was exposed in Europe .
8 Subject to the overriding authority of the Defence Committee and the Cabinet , he would have the power to decide :
9 The distinction between overseas and defence policy in 1951–5 was for Churchill almost as clear as that between the Defence Committee , which , with the Chiefs of Staff , he used to prosecute the Second World War , and the Lord President 's Committee under Anderson and Attlee , which he allowed to get on with handling the Home Front .
10 Churchill simply disliked working through committees , the Defence Committee excepted .
11 Dr Seldon is right to exempt the Defence Committee from Churchill 's strictures .
12 Eden , naturally , took Churchill 's place at the head of the Defence Committee , and the list of ad hoc committees he chaired reflects both his appetites and the intrinsic importance of their subject matter : GEN 502 on the supply of military aircraft ; GEN 503 on security in Cyprus ; GEN 506 on preparations for the meeting of foreign ministers of France , the UK , USSR and USA in Geneva in October 1955 ; and GEN 511 on a third Indian steel plant .
13 There was no meeting of the Defence Committee to discuss the Falklands until 1 April 1982 ; and there was no reference to the Falklands , in Cabinet , even after the New York talks of 26 and 27 February [ with the Argentine government ] , until Lord Carrington reported on events in South Georgia on 25 March , 1982 .
14 We can not say what the outcome of a meeting of the Defence Committee might have been , or whether the course of events would have been altered if it had met in September 1981 ; but , in our view , it could have been advantageous , and fully in line with Whitehall practice , for Ministers to have reviewed collectively at that time , or in the months immediately ahead , the current negotiating position ; the implications of the conflict between the attitudes of the Islanders and the aims of the Junta ; and the longer-term policy options in relation to the dispute .
15 The Government 's response to the Defence Committee 's report on the Westland 's affair stressed that the civil servant 's prime duty lay to his minister and that the civil servant should not relate advice given by civil servants to ministers nor give details of exchanges between government departments in the course of evidence to select committee .
16 Mr Whitelaw when Home Secretary had weekly meetings with the officers of the Conservative Home Affairs group : Mr Pym , when Defence Secretary , had no meetings at all with the officers of the defence committee .
17 It may be a topic that has already aroused great controversy , e.g. the Defence Committee inquiry into Westland helicopters .
18 On other occasions committees have been generally in support of government action but have urged that it be undertaken more vigorously : the Defence Committee has been critical of the Ministry of Defence when it has spent less than the sums provided in the annual estimates .
19 Stane Brovet , the Deputy Defence Minister , also warned the defence committee of the Federal Assembly on May 8 that the JNA had exhausted existing ways of trying to avert ethnic conflict , and he accused republic leaders and the media of creating a fratricidal atmosphere .
20 The Vice-President , the Chair of the Defence Committee , the Procurator General and the Television and Radio Chair , all hardline figures , resigned .
21 A presidential decree of June 12 instructed the Defence Committee to implement measures establishing a republican National Guard — the third attempt to create such a force , according to an article in Moskovskiye novosti of June 26 .
22 On 21 September , at Franco 's request , a meeting of the Defence Committee was called in Salamanca to discuss the military and political conduct of the war .
23 Whatever the case , the fact remains that the Defence Committee voted almost unanimously to appoint Franco Commander-in-Chief of the Nationalist forces .
24 Perhaps because some generals ( particularly Cabanellas and Queipo de Llano ) were unhappy with this outcome , the Defence Committee did not immediately announce it publicly .
25 Kindelán 's proposal was accepted by the Defence Committee , but when the appointment was published in the Committee 's Official Bulletin , the reference to its temporary nature had disappeared .
26 Labour Party say they want to tackle crime in and we have , and I hope we will debate later on this agenda , the situation where a Labour Chairman of the Police Complaints Committee turns up a public meeting urging er law- breaking and support for people who are not actually gone to trial an a the circumstances of the events really does not concern us but it 's the fact that leaflets are now circularising this city , printed by our old friends , the resource centre , urging people to join the Defence Committee , which is supported by the University Labour Party , is supported by the West Labour Party and is supported by the Police Complaints Committee no less .
27 Even as they gathered their evidence the defence committee members knew they had no power , only the hope of influence .
28 But it has happened and where the park committee wishes to press its objection , the Secretary of State for Agriculture ( or Wales ) must then decide whether a grant is to be paid ( the farmer is of course free to proceed without any grant aid if he wishes ) .
29 The scheme was heralded as a triumph for the notification system since the Secretary of State for Wales upheld the park committee 's objection .
30 Rapid agreement by the park committees and boards is the norm : the majority of proposals are approved without question : and in most other cases , negotiations lead to the agreed retention or addition of Features of conservation value .
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