Example sentences of "[det] [noun] staff " in BNC.

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1 She do n't half have some time off them bloody , that teaching staff !
2 Pay scales seem to be much higher for computer staff , particularly when seen in the light of the length of time that computer staff have worked with the firm .
3 In 1968 it was planned that field staff working in the north of England would be based in the new Scottish headquarters but later , the space originally allocated to them was given to the Marine Geophysics Unit .
4 Again , American experience suggests that field staff , like the police , could also be the target for gifts or bribes which polluters may make .
5 The difference between 1978 and now is that ambulance staff are not on strike but are working to rule , and answering all emergency calls .
6 The departures , which UI has attempted to minimise and ascribe to a collection of reasons , leave in place president Peter Cunningham , vice president of marketing David Sandel , director of marketing Barbara Walker , director of desktop marketing Jesse Bornfreund , Colin Fulton , now running both the Pacific Basin and Asia Pacific geographies out of Singapore , newcomer Wilson Haddock , reportedly responsible for a downsizing study , a new accountant and some support staff .
7 Quite why Sir Thomas 's daughter should be keen to make the acquaintance of some kitchen staff he did not explain .
8 The way of life sharedealers aspired to was epitomised in the lifestyle of a Sultan whom a few Tudorbury staff once had the privilege of meeting .
9 It is ironic that radical proposals for the integration of the Beacon , resisted by some specialist staff at all levels in the past , were now to be enforced by the cuts exercise .
10 Over three evenings 70 people took part in the course , including some JS staff , and were taught life saving and resuscitation techniques .
11 when some security staff are located outside the hotel , they may need to be in constant communication with their colleagues inside the building , in order to verify that people arriving are bona fide guests , for example .
12 On another occasion staff found a man dead from stab wounds in one of the stadium 's labyrinthine corridors .
13 These authorities employ some 2.35m staff ( 1987 ) and , collectively , they are responsible for providing over fifty different services .
14 Understandably , some nursing staff , especially those who are more junior , feel very uncomfortable in the role of providing the vigilant observation needed for patients at risk of suicide .
15 Sort of fix a room up as a theatre and bring the , some nursing staff in .
16 Some LEA staff also reported difficulty in gaining the details of participating Project LEAs , despite invitations to do so in the Project 's b bulletins .
17 Apparently some Rentokil staff are considering enlisting as the barracks are now so luxurious .
18 Some theatre staff take over on the patient 's arrival in the theatre suite and keep the patient until he is fully recovered and conscious , while in other theatres the ward nurse remains with her patient until he is fully anaesthetized fin some cases the ward nurse assists the anaesthetist ] and returns to collect the patient who is not fully conscious and still under the effect of the anaesthetic .
19 Many law firms have already laid off employees : a large Midlands firm has got rid of 35 ; a firm in East Anglia is about to shed some conveyancing staff ; and the Law Society 's Young Solicitors Group has set up a helpline to provide counselling and advice for young lawyers who have been made redundant .
20 Many law firms have already laid off employees : a large Midlands firm has got rid of 35 ; a firm in East Anglia is about to shed some conveyancing staff ; and the Law Society 's Young Solicitors Group has set up a helpline to provide counselling and advice for young lawyers who have been made redundant .
21 Because you are using some hospital staff , remember . ’
22 Some school staff requested information about Church thinking on Catholic schools .
23 Although some prison staff claimed to the Woolf inquiry that there had been a worsening ‘ mix ’ of prisoners in their prisons prior to the disorders , Woolf did not state that this was a cause of the riots .
24 Passing such a stringent test is not easy ; each audit staff member would need to retain evidence of amounts spent on lunch each day .
25 I understand that Council staff may also require access for grass cutting and trimming .
26 In such cases staff from the different areas may themselves become involved in teaching sub-groups of their own students exercises relevant to their particular area or specialism .
27 However , the difficulties involved in providing a safe and reassuring environment for staff working with this group of people are one reason why so many professional staff still clamour to retain the old asylums ; in such asylums staff know they can summon help at a few minutes ' notice from a neighbouring ward and from resident medical staff .
28 In such circumstance staff may strike out but — it must be stressed — only in self-defence ; the law only sanctions the use of reasonable force for self-defence .
29 No gender differences were in fact detected , but the assessment system was rendered less liable to such biases staff were sensitized to their existence and nature and the course was able to give itself a clean bill of health without any special data collection effort being required .
30 I 've no idea yet , really what , I mean , you know , for instance I do n't know how much ratio staff to patients they need , therefore you ca n't really , you know , follow that up because you 've no idea what the costs themselves could be .
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