Example sentences of "[vb pp] after [art] " in BNC.

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1 Fitting gatevalves means that new pipes to fittings around the house can be installed after the cold water cistern is in place and connected up .
2 The implications of these various views for the analysis of the middle class as a whole will be considered after the lower middle class has been discussed .
3 The second stage of development will be considered after the first stage has been operating for two to three years .
4 ‘ The irony is that the town hall was one of the alternative venues considered after the Opera House was wrecked , but the hall was already booked .
5 The £3 million trial collapsed after the prosecution said Mr Clark 's evidence was not consistent with earlier statements and the charges could no longer be sustained .
6 More than 600 people were evacuated from their homes in Norfolk and eight bungalows collapsed after the sea washed away their foundations .
7 A SUSPECTED kidnapper was caught after a rush-hour police chase along a London Underground tunnel yesterday .
8 A number of clauses were dropped after a parliamentary legal committee reported that sections of the bill violated the Constitution .
9 These were dropped after an environmental assessment was called for .
10 Fisons ' share price dropped after the FDA allegations were made public .
11 ( The only other case in this category where the charges were dropped or the defendants acquitted involved a 47-year-old police sergeant accused of having unlawful sex with his babysitter , but the charges were dropped after the prosecution heard that the pair were now married . )
12 Furthermore a clause in the draft of the bill which would have allowed the use of state school premises after school hours for religious instruction had been dropped after the Supreme Soviet had failed to reach agreement on it after passing the whole bill at first reading on Sept. 26 .
13 A BEER garden was evacuated after a pet goat unearthed a dummy hand grenade as it gnawed a thicket at the Exeter Inn , Honiton .
14 Sainz had to pacify angry paying spectators when the Kershope leg was cancelled after a medical emergency in the crowd had delayed the timing and left drivers without spotlights .
15 If the wedding has to be postponed or cancelled after the invitations have been sent out notification cards should be promptly despatched .
16 An emergency EC summit was called for Aug. 23 , but was cancelled after the coup collapsed .
17 A meeting with the Swiss Justice Minister , Arnold Koller , was cancelled after the Chinese side refused to hold separate discussions on human rights and on Tibet .
18 In February 1939 all national and regional committees were disbanded and the League Annual Conference was cancelled after the National Advisory Committee had declared its support for Cripps and his Petition campaign .
19 At the end of the day the pavements in this area would be covered with corn-samples discarded after a deal had been struck — the farmer would plunge his hand into his pocket , produce a sample which would be carefully examined by the dealer and then onto the ground went the handful to be gratefully devoured in due course by the rapidly growing pigeon population .
20 Not only does it apparently have the oldest version of the entry for 1020 ( see above ) , but under 1018 it has the death of an Abingdon abbot which is not in C. Other material now in D and E was probably only added after the Abingdon chronicle reached Canterbury .
21 They were attacked after the bear broke free from its cage in central Moscow .
22 In fact , one of the SARFU 's disciplinary officials , Hennie Erasmus , resigned after the decision to acquit was made .
23 Thomas and Lansbury , however , lacked both imagination and thrust ; and Mosley , who did produce a Keynesian scheme of public works , resigned after the Cabinet had rejected it as impracticable .
24 The economic spokesman , Alex Neil , the industry spokesman , Roger Mullin , and the transport spokesman , Kenny MacAskill , resigned after the party leadership won a critical vote of confidence by just two votes — 13 votes to 11 with two members abstaining — over the controversial decision of the three SNP MPs to vote with the Government on the Maastricht Bill last week .
25 The lateral membrane/intercellular space staining , however , has vanished after the instillation is terminated .
26 Up to 5,000 ethnic Turks and members of the Pomak community ( descendants of Bulgarians converted to Islam during Ottoman rule ) had held a vigil outside the National Assembly building on Dec. 28-29 , but had dispersed after the contents of the resolution had been disclosed to them by National Assembly Speaker Stanko Todorov .
27 The State Council , a largely ceremonial body , was dissolved after the round table participants had decided that it was an " unnecessary institution " .
28 Five national opinion polls in tomorrow 's newspapers are keenly awaited after a survey in London showed Labour 's lead slipping a couple of points .
29 The other man was rescued after an officer held out his truncheon and pulled him ashore .
30 They were trapped after the blaze broke out in a downstairs living room .
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