Example sentences of "[vb pp] and left " in BNC.

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1 The latter are sometimes forgotten and left in the vagina at the end of a period and may be responsible for a persistent , foul , vaginal discharge , which is , however , easy to treat .
2 If every tool is replaced in the belt or holdall after use , you will have less of a problem with tools being forgotten and left in odd corners .
3 I think too often , the county archivist and the records office are forgotten and left to do their very worthwhile work over there without very much appreciation of what they do from members .
4 Four millilitres of the complex were immediately added to the leucocyte suspension , gently mixed and left for 10 minutes at room temperature .
5 To the remaining 100 ml of blood 10 ml of 6% hydroxyethyl starch ( Hespan , Dupont , USA ) was added and left to sediment at room temperature .
6 The eggs are then disinfected and left to dry .
7 Taylor had consistently made it known that he would not agree to a ceasefire until Doe had resigned and left the country .
8 job holder has resigned and left the country .
9 Others have been caught and left on the ground several hundred yards from a river .
10 He had unfortunately proceeded to mar them by fastening them to strips of card with paper clips , which had rusted and left their foul trail on the bookmarks .
11 When the local excise officers , oppressed by smugglers and low pay , persuaded him to present their case for improvement he was dismissed and left for America .
12 In the mid nineteenth century , Fermin Caballero attempted to divide agricultural Spain into three parts : the Cantabrian regions , where the hard-working race of ‘ gothic ’ small farmers had survived to create a stable peasant economy ; the basins of the Guadiana , the Guadalquivir , and Aragon , where the economic legacy of the Arab conquest was the latifundia ; the centre , where the two races had mingled and left an intermediary , medium-sized farm .
13 A spiral corkscrew perm that just has to be washed and left for a full-bodied look .
14 The two sisters were both in their fifties , both ex-nurses , neither ever married ; they 'd taken on the restaurant as a late-life decision when their father had died and left them a shared inheritance .
15 My mother has died and left me £1,000 .
16 But then next day after the s pig was killed up it was The the head had to be cut into sections and well cleaned and left overnight in the salt water and To clean any bloody parts on it .
17 In 1914 , a member wrote in the suggestion book that the Professional 's shop be left open until after the 6.25 train to Paddington has left , and added that two visitors who had played and left their clubs to be cleaned by the caddies found the Professional 's shop closed when they went to collect them .
18 From Jan. 1 , all rubbish must be placed in officially-approved bags , tied and left in special containers .
19 Because it is seen to be of little direct help to teaching , that knowledge and vocabulary is abandoned and left at the college gates as soon as the BEd exams are over .
20 Whether these children had been raised by wolves or simply abandoned and left to their own devices in the forest is unclear .
21 Thus , when the stone ramparts had been constructed years ago , there had been no mistress of Tracy Castle , and the pleasance had been abandoned and left outside the boundaries of the bailey .
22 Mr Taylor said he was encouraged to ‘ dig in his heels ’ after reading an article in Money-Go-Round about the successful fight of Annette Price whose home insurance claim was refused because insurers queried the locks on her front door — despite the fact that the burglars had entered and left by a window .
23 If you can resist its obvious appeal , Dent can be quickly entered and left for the further reaches of the valley which , for me , has always held greater interest and excitement .
24 Once the formaldehyde has been liberated the room should be sealed and left for 24 h .
25 In one case there were two 13-year-old girls , who had been sexually assaulted and left for dead .
26 Marie 's gone and left me .
27 Marie told me I should n't leave it on when I ai n't in the room , and here I am — the first day she 's gone and I 've gone and left it on .
28 You 've gone and left it far too late .
29 An exhibitor 's put an exhibit up and everyone thinks they can beat it but when they 've gone and left their the exhibitors gone back and put a new lot up … things like that happen .
30 Many must have signed and left it at that .
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