Example sentences of "[vb pp] legislation which " in BNC.

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1 Virtually all of the republics , by the late 1980s , had adopted legislation which provided for the majority language of that republic to enjoy official status .
2 The FPÖ , which supported the legislation only " for reasons of state " , would reportedly have preferred legislation which also covered crimes committed by all totalitarian regimes including Stalinist communist ones .
3 Earlier in the year Utah had approved legislation which virtually outlawed all abortions , while legislation prohibiting abortions even in cases involving rape , incest and maternal risk , was passed in February by the legislature of South Dakota .
4 In recent years , the Government has introduced legislation which has brought fundamental changes to local government .
5 They have introduced legislation which has been a guideline to the spending of the City Council under Labour control .
6 The moral revulsion engendered by the perception that the killer had also profited by his crime resulted in hurriedly enacted legislation which was designed to prevent criminals from receiving financial gain from their literary ventures .
7 In Australia , almost all jurisdictions have enacted legislation which generally allows the confiscation of the proceeds of crime .
8 Germany , Switzerland , Spain , Japan and several American states have already enacted legislation which obliges the generating company or utility to accept this exported power , says Shah .
9 To dismiss what happened as the Labour Party merely showing its true colours , does not explain why Labour actually supported legislation which was immediately condemned by many who were considerably to the right of Labour 's quite-right-enough Deputy Leader , Roy Hattersley .
10 Within days of Noble 's surrender , the Philippine Congress finally passed legislation which prescribed heavy punishments for those involved in plotting coup attempts .
11 This ‘ civilising mission ’ both endorsed legislation which could help create a physical and institutional environment in which undesirable working-class habits and attitudes would be deterred ( as long as it was not too expensive ) , and encouraged private philanthropy , which could undertake active propagation of a new moral code .
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