Example sentences of "[vb pp] except [that] " in BNC.

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1 Thus in ( 140 ) below the lighting of a fire is presented as a condition which would have permitted Pops to be found sooner , but the fire could not be conceived as acting on Pops directly itself and " making him be found " : ( 140 ) A fire would n't have mattered except that it would cause Pops to be found sooner .
2 What we now need to ask is has the time arrived er for this measure to begin to be acceptable by the Home Office , it would be nice if there was a just a little indication er as I 'm er proceeding through er this measure from the minister at the despatch box , that the time was now right for this er particular proposal er which was not anything that was voted against er on second reading but merely failed to overcome the hurdle of getting a closure when by seventy eight votes to nil er it was carried except that carrying was not sufficient in order arrive at a closure so that the measure could move in the committee .
3 This is very similar to the way the accounts book was organised except that we do n't know the page number for each name .
4 Thus , to extend the Bell-Szekeres solution , the same initial conditions are given except that the component becomes complex and , from ( 6.22e ) , W must become non-zero in the interaction region .
5 I ca n't realy add much to what has already been said except that I saw the goals on Manc of the day and thought theirs were all sloppy and avoidable .
6 Certainly no generalisation can be made except that the successful diffusion of the knowledge of soil conserving practices is often one essential change that is required — even although the knowledge may be possessed by some cultivators already .
7 By the second year there was little noticeable change : the threats they feared the year before had not materialised , but neither had much progress been made except that the language of contracts replaced that of budgets and allocations .
8 The Queen 's Bench Division Direction says that the wording must be specific , and if prescribing unpleasant consequences unless a particular act is done , the order must make clear the precise period within which the act is to be done except that unless the court otherwise specifies , no time need be specified in the case of judgments or orders for the payment of money , for possession of land , or the delivery of goods ; in those cases , the order , unless some time is specified , may be enforced immediately .
9 To calculate the Paasche price index , the method described above for the Laspeyres index can be used except that current-year quantities must be used as weights .
10 None of France 's nuclear deterrent programmes was to be affected except that nuclear tests on the Mururoa atoll in the South Pacific would be reduced from eight per year to six .
11 The precipitants of the disorder are less clearly understood except that dieting is invariably an early element .
12 Of the Baktrian revolt nothing is known except that the satrapy was recovered by aid of a providential wind , presumably a sandstorm blowing from the Turkish steppes .
13 If the management of a state asset is delegated to a private manager , a contract between the state agency and the manager must be entered into , the contents of which may be freely negotiated except that the term may not exceed ten years .
14 Jessica Mitford 's book on The American Way of Death ( 1963 ) is now nearly thirty years old but little has changed except that death is now even bigger business .
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