Example sentences of "[vb pp] have said " in BNC.

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1 Paul de Man is reported to have said that a literary work is merely an event in the history of interpretation .
2 They are reported to have said ‘ The new curate 's not chatty ’ .
3 He was reported to have said , ‘ I did not really know what an archdeacon does . ’
4 Lou Macari , the West Ham manager , was reported to have said it was impossible to control players once they had taken the field .
5 ‘ Eh , young man , ’ Mr Clough is reported to have said , ‘ we 're down in London again on Thursday to play Wimbledon .
6 With his dying breath on the Cross , he is reported to have said : ‘ Father , forgive them for they know not what they do' ’ . '
7 Paul Chadd QC is reported to have said : ‘ These three men took the girls to the barn for a common purpose — sexual activity . ’
8 He is reported to have said to Dr Burney :
9 ‘ I rang Carla and told her to leave my man alone but she put the phone down on me , ’ Jerry is reported to have said .
10 On one occasion , the critic is reported to have said : ‘ Take care not to imitate any Old Master too closely ; otherwise , on comparison , your work will be easily recognised ’ .
11 ‘ The first week I say do n't hurt her : the second , do n't hurt me , ’ she is reported to have said .
12 ‘ It is too good to be true ’ , he is reported to have said in astonished delight , for he now had in Paris the new French Sixth Army , and Kluck , by his change of direction , would shortly expose his right flank and rear to shattering attack from the west .
13 ‘ I am become an object of universal abhorrence , ’ he is reported to have said , and in a letter to his sister Emma ( Lady St.John ) he wrote ‘ I am not ill but I am not well and I feel the sort of depression which you have often felt … . ’
14 Murray was reported to have said
15 ‘ She never called me Mummy , ’ the adoptive mother is reported to have said .
16 Sartre is reported to have said that he did not feel free without a thousand francs in his pocket ; this is clearly a freedom which can only be enjoyed by a few .
17 James himself seems to have felt an aesthetic reason for these propensities , for he is reported to have said : " Adjectives are the sugar of literature and adverbs the salt .
18 ‘ This radiator , ’ he is reported to have said , ‘ gives out more warmth than I can find in your work . ’
19 ‘ Renton 's very definitely a man I can do business with ’ Peter Palumbo , chairman of the Arts Council was reported to have said , after a preliminary meeting .
20 Anthony Brown J. is reported to have said , at p. 272 :
21 Castro is reported to have said in private that ‘ we shall not make the same mistake twice ; we shall not break with the Russians after having broken with the Americans ’ ( Suárez : 1967 , p. 175 ) .
22 As Coleridge is reported to have said , they were ‘ three persons , but one soul ’ .
23 Kilfedder refused to pledge himself and was reported to have said " I have no intention of being anybody 's dummy " , which does not seem to have damaged him electorally .
24 Molla " Idhari ( Molla Izari ) , on hearing that Hocazade had become a kadi , is reported to have said : " What a disaster , his acceptance of the kadilik .
25 I have given that estimate before , and the hon. Member for Blackburn is reported to have said on the strength of a newspaper article that we both read : ’ the Secretary of State has come close to misleading the House of Commons over the numbers required . ’
26 On May 9 , de Klerk was reported to have said that the carrying by Zulus of spears and other accoutrements , which Chief Buthelezi insisted were " cultural " in purpose , would still be permitted , provided they were not " misused " .
27 President Saparmurad Niyazov was reported to have said that the CP would continue in Turkmenia .
28 He was also reported to have said that Romania would downgrade its ties with the PLO .
29 He was reported to have said that Pakistan had in 1991 frozen production of highly enriched uranium , meeting one of the US demands , but would only destroy its weapons cores if India did the same .
30 During a three-day visit to the north of Russia beginning on April 28 , Yeltsin was reported to have said in conversation that the Congress , having failed to resolve the land issue , would have to be dissolved ; he reportedly called for a referendum to be held to alter the constitution accordingly .
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