Example sentences of "[vb pp] have gone " in BNC.

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1 Magwitch reveals himself as Pip 's benefactor and says every penny he has earned has gone to Pip .
2 My dad always claimed to have gone to public school , but he was never precise about which one .
3 His statement was considered to have gone sufficiently far towards an apology to have enraged many nationalists within his own party , without having satisfied those who demanded a clear-cut official apology as a key part of an acceptance of responsibility for initiating the Pacific War .
4 But a car bomb is reported to have gone off in the Palestinian quarter of the city and a police station has been blown up ( the interior ministry says by an accidental explosion ) .
5 The 16 , who had been identified from seized television news videotape , included Hankuk student chairman Chong Won Taek , who was reported to have gone into hiding .
6 In the following days , groups of soldiers were reported to have gone on the rampage in Kinshasa , looting shops and businesses .
7 At several sites , protesting miners were reported to have gone down the pits and stayed there following the announcement .
8 A civilian gunman is reported to have gone on the rampage at the base in Kentucky which houses the nation 's gold repository .
9 Catch-as-catch can , for what is done has gone — and yet when you reenter memory it seems as if time is the dream .
10 He and two other men were said to have gone to Penrose 's home with the intention of recovering property .
11 It might be said to have gone further than Scandinavian legislation in distinguishing the position of the wife from that of her unmarried counterpart , since it would arguably have denied her equal access to the law .
12 At Hardington in Somerset there are only a few traces of the village , which is said to have gone by 1584 , but until recently there were very fine earthworks of a seventeenth-century garden landscape , with terraces , tree mounds , and park banks .
13 Ukpo had earlier alleged that one of the financiers of the rebellion had been a businessman , Chief Great Ogburu , who was said to have gone into hiding .
14 Numbers of Asian residents were said to have gone abroad during the election period , fearing violence , and the government was reported on Dec. 9 to have ordered the partial closure of the Ugandan and Somali borders .
15 The man is said to have gone into the post office , brandishing what appeared to be a handgun , then fled empty-handed when the female assistant ran into the rear of the premises .
16 The man is said to have gone into the post office , brandishing what appeared to be a handgun , then fled empty-handed when the female assistant fled into the rear of the premises .
17 Every penny he 'd saved had gone to getting the key money for this house , over a thousand pounds , and then the four hundred a month rent .
18 Of course the bulk of what TI produced has gone to Sun , something in excess of 80% .
19 And it would have been good because it was per The only thing was he would have had to have gone up to and do a survival course .
20 In fact initially the erm if we 'd followed Government guidelines exactly , the rents would have had to have gone up by even more , by about twelve pounds a week , but because erm we were able to erm manage the finances erm more carefully , we were able to reduce that increase to seven pounds a week , but none of the Labour Councillors would say that that increase is acceptable .
21 To Abbott and Hornsby were added the names of Captain Lawrence , with whom Wilson had been associated in the formation of the Certificated Officers ' Union , Maurice Darby , the originator of the first Glasgow branch who was alleged to have gone over to the Shipping Federation in 1890 , Robert Pleasance , former secretary of the Tower Hill branch who had been expelled from the union in the same year , and a Thomas Carey , an official of the NSFU discharged for unsatisfactory conduct in 1911 who , Wilson claimed , immediately became involved with the Federation and , while still in its pay , assisted Lewis in setting up the British Seafarers ' Union .
22 But it was thought to have gone out unaltered .
23 They were thought to have gone to the course to search for lost golf balls .
24 SFV , the holiday company he 'd used had gone out of business , leaving Mr Cratchley and his friends four thousand pounds out of pocket .
25 The tickets already sold have gone to an established network of football fans , Rothenberg said .
26 But there are rumours that France might be about to renege on its decision and Holland , which voted yesterday , is understood to have gone to Coopers .
27 As one person put it , ‘ The only ones who knew me from the time I was born have gone , and it 's almost as if that period in my life is less real now that there is no one left alive who shared it with me . ’
28 In the Taylor sisters case , the media was judged to have gone beyond what was acceptable , unlike coverage of the Birmingham Six .
29 PRESIDENT Najibullah of Afghanistan is rumoured to have gone into hiding or fled the capital , Kabul .
30 Sally and Sampson Brass were rumoured to have gone to live there after his release from prison , OCS 88 .
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