Example sentences of "[vb pp] on march " in BNC.

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1 Cotonou University and schools throughout the country reopened on March 26 , 1990 , after teachers ended a year-long strike against non-payment of salaries [ see also p. 37059 ] .
2 According to reports by the Soviet news agency Tass , fighting in Kabul itself abated on March 7 .
3 West German security sources claimed on March 8 that the Soviet State Security Committee ( KGB ) was hoping to recruit new members among dismissed Stasi informers .
4 An official of the Lithuanian Supreme Council claimed on March 18 that Antas Petrauskas Lithuania 's Soviet-appointed state procurator [ see p. 37361 ] , had been seeking to pursue an investigation against Butkevicius on charges of illegal weapons ' possession .
5 Mujaheddin guerrillas claimed on March 15 to have captured a strategic district in the northern province of Samangan , bordering Uzbekistan .
6 The first components of a 19-member Council of State , drawn from a wide range of Haitian society to assist the new President , were installed on March 16 .
7 The state of emergency imposed throughout the country on Feb. 28 , 1989 , the second day of violent unrest following the introduction on Feb. 16 of an economic austerity programme [ see pp. 36459-60 ] , was lifted on March 9 , 1989 .
8 His immunity as a Bundestag deputy had been lifted on March 19 .
9 Officials let it be understood that Turkey would not object to Kurdish autonomy in a federal Iraq , but Özal , interviewed on March 29 , said that the Kurdish leaders " were clearly told they should definitely not consider a separate state " .
10 It was reported on March 1 that , although the construction of the tunnel was behind schedule , geological problems relating to the chalk seabed had now been overcome , and digging was now advancing at twice the speed of a year earlier .
11 As reported on March 23 , the leader of the Medellín drug cartel Pablo Escobar Gaviria , in a letter to UP president Diego Montana Cuellar , " emphatically denied " government charges that he had ordered the killing , claiming that it was the work of the government itself .
12 It was reported on March 22 that Air Vice-Marshal ( retd ) A. K. Khandker , the Planning Minister since November 1986 [ see p. 34813 ] , had also resigned .
13 It was reported on March 10 that fresh charges had been filed against Enrile which accused him of attempting corruptly to seize control of the country 's coconut industry .
14 It was reported on March 19 that the Libyan authorities had detained several unidentified people suspected of causing a fire which on March 15 had seriously damaged the high-security Rabta chemical plant , 80 km south-west of the capital , Tripoli .
15 The Israeli press had reported on March 23 that several hundred Israeli military advisers were now in Ethiopia ; this involvement also prompted radical Arab regimes to support the EPLF , which was receiving artillery from Syria and Iraq , and weapons including SAM-7s from Libya .
16 The UN Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group ( UNIIMOG ) , with responsibility for maintaining the truce , reported on March 8 , 1989 , that five Iranian soldiers had been shot in the back and killed in an ambush on Feb. 17 , although it did not confirm an Iranian claim that the ambush had been carried out by Iraqi forces .
17 Although the largest of the 11 suits called for the immediate repayment of $1,200 million , bankers were reported on March 13 to be viewing the move as a defensive and not as a provocative act .
18 As reported on March 18 the Italian government had pledged $6,000,000 to the ERP and $1,000,000 in food aid , in addition to 996 tonnes of rice .
19 It was reported on March 14 , 1990 , that the government had recognized the Panamanian government of Guillermo Endara and would be restoring diplomatic relations .
20 The daily Clarín reported on March 3 that under a decree signed by Menem on Feb. 26 , 1990 ( expanding an earlier decree of March 10 , 1989 , introduced after the La Tablada attack — see p. 36394 and below ) , the armed forces were entitled to intervene in the event of " a state of internal disturbance " serious enough to endanger the life , liberty , property or security of the country 's inhabitants ; with this in mind the National Security Council [ see p. 36613 ] was to draw up plans for possible joint actions by the police , the security forces and the armed forces .
21 A further attack was reported on March 2 .
22 It was reported on March 25 that a French court had ordered the prosecution of René Bousquel who was wartime head of the Vichy administration 's national police .
23 It was reported on March 1 that the ICRC had provided a water purification plant for hospitals and vulnerable groups , especially women and children .
24 The leader of the African Liberation Forces of Mauritania ( FLAM ) , which was accused of involvement in the 1987 coup attempt [ see p. 36139 ] , gave an anonymous interview in Dakar to the Agence France-Presse news agency , reported on March 20 .
25 President Juvénal Habyarimana on March 14 gave rebels a 15-day deadline to lay down their arms and accept an amnesty , which was reported on March 19 to have been rejected , amid further reports of fighting .
26 The national television and radio stations reported on March 13 that lawyers all over the country were demanding Muite 's resignation , and articles in three national newspapers accused him of maligning Kenya 's former President , Jomo Kenyatta .
27 The state oil company ECOPETROL reported on March 3 the suspension of oil exports after an ELN attack on pipelines .
28 It was reported on March 8 that an offer of resignation by Communications Minister Clement Chang , over his family 's involvement in an insider stock trading scandal , was not to be accepted by Hau until the Ministries of Finance and Justice had completed further investigations .
29 It was reported on March 22 that Kim Dae Jung , the PPD leader , had announced a merger with a dissident group led by Mrs Lee Woo Jung , a human rights activist ,
30 It was reported on March 25 that seven government officials from the Taegu environment office had been charged with negligence or forgery after the Doosan Electro-Materials Corp. had released hundreds of tonnes of toxic waste into the Naktog River , the source of drinking water for millions of people .
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