Example sentences of "[vb pp] on april " in BNC.

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1 There were times in Blackpool you 'd have thought Labour had won on April 9 .
2 The US State Department claimed on April 19 that the government 's disclosures about chemical , nuclear and missile programmes did not satisfy the terms of the UN ceasefire resolution .
3 The attacks had been committed on April 19 , 1989 , by a gang of some 30 youths who went " wilding " — a term which came to mean rampaging through the park perpetrating random assaults .
4 The curfew was lifted on April 9 , and on the same day the opposition groups had a meeting with the King in which they affirmed their commitment to the establishment of " full democracy " .
5 A curfew was imposed in Venda , the smallest of the " independent " homelands , but was lifted on April 7 after the situation was described as stable .
6 A five-day curfew declared by the government in the Jaffna area was officially lifted on April 30 .
7 The ban on political rallies was lifted on April 8 .
8 The official news agency Tanjug had reported on April 3 that Yusuf Zehjnulahu , the Chairman of the Kosovo provincial assembly ( i.e. the provincial Premier ) , had resigned his post in protest at what he described as the excessively brutal tactics employed by the Serbian authorities towards the ethnic Albanians in the province .
9 It was reported on April 13 , however , that charges had been brought against Fadilj Hodza , a prominent former state and party official , for inciting racial intolerance and religious hatred in connection with the 1989 riots .
10 As reported on April 13 , articles in the independent daily newspaper Romania Libera attacked the Synod 's decision , and a letter of protest was signed by 138 prominent writers , professionals and dissident priests .
11 Chubais on April 10 was expelled from the CPSU by his district party committee in Moscow , and it was reported on April 12 that the Byelorussian and Ukrainian Communist Parties had begun expelling Democratic Platform members from their ranks .
12 The US NBC network reported on April 11 that Iraq was producing and stockpiling biological weapons .
13 Aden radio reported on April 30 , 1990 , the decision that diplomatic relations between South Yemen and the United States were to be restored .
14 It had been reported on April 24 that Czechoslovakia would not renew the agreements under which some 46,000 foreign workers , including 37,000 Vietnamese , were employed on contract in the country .
15 As reported on April 19 , 1990 , credit lines of US$11,000,000 and $3,000,000 had been granted respectively by an unidentified Japanese company and the Import-Export Bank of South Korea .
16 As reported on April 30 , 1990 , Menem stated that he intended to pardon Videla , Viola , Massera and Firmenich in December 1990 .
17 It was reported on April 11 , 1990 , that tapes of an interview held following the 1975 trial , between Gerard Conlon , one of the Four , and Peter ( now Sir Peter ) Imbert , now Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police , who was at the time of the trial a bomb squad superintendent , were becoming a source of conflict between the police and the defence lawyers at the judicial inquiry .
18 It was further reported on April 12 that the police inquiry into allegations of malpractice against those officers who had interviewed the Four was being obstructed by the absence of an official transcript of the trial .
19 It was reported on April 28 that a Byelorussian Democratic Union had been founded , aimed at defending Byelorussian rights , including the introduction of the Byelorussian language in schools .
20 Wladyslaw Sila-Nowicki was re-elected chairman of the Polish Labour Party [ for the emergence of which see p. 36469 ] , it was reported on April 29 ; and on April 11 , the national council of the Christian Labour Party elected Jozef Hermanowicz as its chairman .
21 It was reported on April 10 , 1990 , that Poland had presented a 4,500-million rouble ( approximately $7,450 million ) demand for reparations for the forced labour of Poles in the Soviet Union during the Second World War .
22 It had been reported on April 22 that between 700 and 900 armed Iraqi police had moved into the area in defiance of a ban by allied forces engaged in setting up Kurdish refugee camps .
23 The ANC was reported on April 13 to be forming self-defence units in the townships .
24 Angolan radio announced on April 18 that agreement had been reached on unification of the two military forces , and Portuguese media reported on April 19 that it had been agreed to hold free elections 18 months after a ceasefire was signed .
25 In the face of mounting political tensions , it was reported on April 9 that President Mobutu Sese Seko had withdrawn his objections to the holding of a national conference .
26 At Mbuji-Mayi , in Kasai Oriental region , it was reported on April 23 that nine people had been killed during violent demonstrations .
27 Three Cabinet appointees were reported on April 1 to have rejected posts which they had been given in a transitional government appointed on March 30 .
28 It was reported on April 9 that he had submitted hair and blood samples for police forensic tests , but had refused to be questioned .
29 Despite Ren 's report , the Reuters news agency reported on April 10 that Chen Yanbin , a student activist , had been imprisoned for 15 years for his involvement in the pro-democracy movement .
30 The Agence France-Presse news agency reported on April 28 that 15 people had been executed and another 125 sentenced to prison terms after a " huge " public trial in Wuhan , the capital of Hubei province .
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