Example sentences of "[vb pp] [num] pounds " in BNC.

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1 Mr Redmond had been looking after the woodyard where he worked while his employer was on a cruise to restore his health , and Sarah told Anne that her father had been given fifty pounds as a mark of appreciation when his employer returned .
2 For the offence of failing to stop you 'll be fined fifty pounds , you 're licence will be endorsed with five penalty points .
3 Senor Gomorro was fined 350 pounds and told that illegally importing an animal is a serious offence .
4 One of the burglars called at the house in Calverton Road , telling the pensioner he 'd won ten pounds .
5 Well Mr er pleading guilty to these offenses and we 've listened to what the solicitor has said on your behalf the main offence of having no excise licence you 'll be fined seventy five pounds and be willing to pay eighty pounds thirty three back duty and ten pounds costs and for the offenses of failing to produce you 'll be fined ten pounds for each of those three offenses .
6 For failing to report you 'll be fined twenty pounds and your licence will be endorsed and for failing afford precedence on the pedestrian on a zebra crossing you 'll be fined ten pounds .
7 the offences of failing to produce you 've been fined ten pounds for each of those three offences .
8 He was surprised , there was not an ounce of fat on him , but he had shed five pounds .
9 Beno was fined five pounds and told to get a job more suitable to his talents .
10 Further to the west the Ingleton Parish Register for the period records after many burials that the dead were " buried in wool according to the act " and in Swaledale itself , when Ann Baker was buried in 1692 at Grinton Church , her father , Adam , a lead-miner from Oldgang , was fined five pounds for not burying his daughter in wool .
11 As Wilson recalled , his first experience of the courts occurred in April 1889 when he was fined five pounds and costs at Sunderland for having attempted to persuade two seamen to desert from the ss Edmonsley , an incident which Fairplay reported with glee .
12 He 'd apparently hit the central barrier and lost control , and has already been fined 250 pounds for driving without due care and attention .
13 He 's already been fined 250 pounds for driving without due care and attention .
14 For failing to report you 'll be fined twenty pounds and your licence will be endorsed and for failing afford precedence on the pedestrian on a zebra crossing you 'll be fined ten pounds .
15 the coach to the breeders ' evening that 's what I mentioned before , we paid for the refreshments and the rent show secretary has only claimed two pounds which is a scandal really she 's probably paid twenty out , twenty pounds
16 " Was he fined thirty pounds too ? "
17 He was later fined 900 pounds after pleading guilty to possessing indecent photographs of children and importing indecent material .
18 That year he won an Eclipse Award as champion grass horse , though he was rated eight pounds below Spectacular Bid , the Horse Of The Year .
19 so you 've made sixty pounds overnight
20 He said I 've made twenty pounds overnight so that 's , yeah they 've gone up twenty P each cos I 've got a hundred
21 I said I think that 's wonderful I said cos do you know how long I 've been out the union now , three months , well I reckon I 've saved thirty pounds , you 've got thirteen quid back
22 His assailants next told him that they had been given three pounds each ‘ to do you up tonight ’ by the ‘ drug squad ’ detective with whom he was already unpleasantly familiar .
23 I 've got fifty pounds bid and I shall sell at fifty if there 's no further bids at fifty pounds only at fifty pounds , you all done at fifty ?
24 So let's look at one of , let's look at the one that Kelly 's working on there where she 's got fifty pounds shared out between a hundred and fifty people .
25 At fifty for it 's offered fifty pounds at fifty pounds bid five , sixty sixty pounds , any more ?
26 I 've got eight pounds left , well it 's the same .
27 If she 's got forty pounds left , she can have four times that .
28 Okay so we 've got thirteen pounds forget about that for a minute and then fifty pence .
29 So I 've got two lots of three pounds I 've got six pounds altogether .
30 He reckons he 's got six pounds you know and it 's just so distracting .
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