Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] following " in BNC.

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1 The darkness had come early following dismal March weather , and , alone in the office , she jumped when she heard a noise in Luke 's room .
2 The man was picked up following a tip-off from a member of the public .
3 Repairs to gravestones have been carried out following last year 's vandalism and other petty acts .
4 Arrestment and inhibition can be carried out following Decree , and at that time they are described as diligence in execution .
5 This may be carried out following intervention by the database administrator , who will choose between the alternative file organisation methods offered by the DBMS ( if any ) as appropriate for the particular data and users .
6 Unless any cash payment is passing which is required by the husband for the purchase of another property , a contract would appear to be unnecessary and is certainly not required if the transaction is to be carried out following a court order ( whether by consent or otherwise ) as application can always be made to the court for the terms of the order to be carried out ( see Chapter 8 ) .
7 The larval stages occur in the gastric glands and can only be seen microscopically following processing of the gastric mucosa .
8 He is severely microcephalic , his brain not having grown sufficiently following the injury .
9 It is said to have been built without nails , bolts , dowels or other fixings to a design by Newton , but to have been bolted together following its dismantling by drunken students who were unable , when sober , to reverse their vandalism !
10 Patrick Martin Furse , 27 , of Nerquis Hall , Nercwys , near Mold , was cremated yesterday following a private family service .
11 The agreement was expected to be applied nationally following its approval in other regions .
12 As foreign issues have also grown rapidly following the abolition in 1979 of exchange controls , it is no exaggeration to see the 1980s as a period of renaissance for the sterling bond market .
13 A 600-page report by the Australian Securities Commission into the collapse of Alan Bond 's financial empire may never be made public following a federal government decision that publication may prejudice pending criminal trials .
14 His despondent letter to Thelwall was written immediately following an absence of ‘ a day or two ’ , during which , it seems likely , he walked westward into the Exmoor fringes above Porlock , the home territory of his maternal ancestors , and in a lonely farmhouse near Culbone Church sought the isolation he needed to complete Osorio .
15 Since that time , despite a further decline in profit margins , Amstrad 's PAS-score has risen again following attention to its balance sheet .
16 The US dollar also weakened considerably following the start of the Gulf crisis .
17 Parallel to the thaw in relations with China , Soviet-Indonesian contacts developed rapidly following Suharto 's acceptance of a long-standing invitation to visit Moscow in September 1989 [ see p. 36893 ] .
18 A first raffle raised £140 which was promptly handed over following a talk and filmshow on the vital flying arm of the emergency service .
19 A CHEMICAL alert was sparked yesterday following an acid leak at Bank Quay Railway Station , Warrington .
20 The report , drawn up following a study commissioned by the Department of Health in 1989 , contains guidelines on how best to manage and organise waiting lists .
21 The agreement with Carnegie-Mellon was drawn up following visits to Pittsburg by Professor David Weir , Director of the Management Centre , who says , ‘ We are delighted to be accepted as an equal partner by Carnegie-Mellon which is a school of acknowledged research excellence .
22 It is proposed that the programme of implementation should be drawn up following a consultative exercise involving all colleges .
23 Col. Tin U , second secretary of the ruling military junta , the State Law and Order Restoration Council ( SLORC ) , reiterated on Sept. 8 that a constitution would be drawn up following investigations into violations of the elections law .
24 A junior transport minister , Steven Norris , announced that the new proposals had been drawn up following consultation with the Shetland and Orkney local authorities , fishing and shipping interests , tanker operators and others .
25 It has been drawn up following a widespread survey in the towns of Chelmsford , Southend and Colchester .
26 A three-man crew from the independent Southport Lifeboat Service was called out following reports that a shrimp rig driven by Joe Ross was heading out to sea .
27 Michael Goodman , spokesman for the Lower Ormeau Residents ' Action Group , said he had hoped any problems would have been ironed out following a meeting with Laganside , the DoE and the contractors last month .
28 Research projects , particularly in qualitative research , have been set up following visits by Cecil Helman , a general practitioner and medical anthropologist .
29 Now a special food store has been set up following talks with members of the British Diabetic Association .
30 Molinari and Foulkes found that subjects woken up following bursts of eye movement activity reported more vivid dreams than when woken up following intervals of REM sleep in which the eyes had been still .
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