Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] several " in BNC.

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1 Klein 's work developed through several stages , and the article considered here is representative of her later work ( Greenberg and Mitchell 1983 : .
2 At one station we were stopped for several hours alongside a troop train on which I discovered the Reverend R.H.L. Slater , now enrolled as an army chaplain , who told me the comforting news that my wife and three children had got away from Myitkyina a day or two earlier .
3 During April and May the pilot arranged for several lessons with a microlight instructor using the instructor 's own aircraft ; completed in a total flight time of four hours , these flights covered mainly upper air handling with little practice in takeoffs and landings .
4 It can however be arranged for several bills within one household to be included on the same payment .
5 Antibiotics are also prescribed for acne treatment and need to be given for several months at a time to be effective .
6 Instructions are given for several neckbands , but everyone has their own pet neckband .
7 The other scandal is the doctrinaire attitude of Labour-controlled councils such as Plymouth city council which , when Labour took control in May this year , halted for several months the previous Conservative policy of selling land to housing associations at concessionary prices , enabling rents to be kept down and output to be increased .
8 So great was Rodrigo 's grief that he was almost paralysed for several weeks .
9 • In rodents , rhythms continue to develop in animals that have been reared for several generations in constant conditions .
10 Proportional hazards analysis was used to estimate relative risks adjusted for several covariates .
11 ‘ At the alleged places of detention , ’ Mr Ahtisaari said , ‘ the facilities were found to have been stripped of all valuable material and not to have been inhabited for several weeks at least . ’
12 Restlessly , she returned to the office , then recalled that the answering machine had not been checked for several hours .
13 All have doctorates in musicology from either Cambridge or Oxford ; two are currently associated with King 's College , Cambridge ( where the wellsprings of the English a cappella renaissance are to be found ) , and one has taught for several Oxford colleges that are also medieval choral foundations .
14 After this flight the aircraft was de-rigged again and not flown for several weeks .
15 Further , his duties were substantially a continuation of those which he had undertaken for several years in connection with Tutorial Classes and the annual summer school arrangements .
16 Her body had remained hidden for several days .
17 Usually ground into a powder before use Pepper Sauces p101/ Hot condiments made from a variety of chilli peppers and often matured for several years .
18 Also , in their Kauai ( Hawaii ) study , the analysis was based on pregnancy intervals instead of birth intervals , with relative mortality rates calculated for several gestational and childhood age groups showing clearly the disadvantages of the shorter intervals in each age group ( Yerushalmy et al , 1956 ) .
19 The JET project was delayed for several years in the 1970s , while the council of ministers vacillated between giving the project to ISPRA , Garching in West Germany and Culham .
20 The plenum had been delayed for several months , allegedly because of divisions over economic policy between the central and provincial authorities .
21 This is usually about 18 days after infection , but it may be delayed for several months when arrested larval development occurs .
22 The final version will be developed after several interviews with management personnel .
23 However , it was withdrawn after several speakers said such a call would have little impact on Parliament .
24 However , it was withdrawn after several speakers said that such a call would have little impact on Parliament and might have an adverse affect on the reputation of the federation .
25 This catalogue raisonné has been keenly awaited for several years ; work began before the artist 's death in 1988 , aged eighty-six .
26 There 'll be no decision on who 's won for several weeks , while the judges tour towns in the 7 other countries taking part .
27 ‘ He is fully committed for several weeks ahead , but he could spare you a few minutes at the end of his list one day . ’
28 The award for best British film went to The Crying Game , which , along with Howards End , has been nominated for several Oscars .
29 Several aspects of the reshuffle , which had been expected for several weeks , were attacked by opposition groups who demanded greater reductions .
30 A decision by the Environment Secretary is not expected for several months after the close of the inquiry .
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