Example sentences of "[vb past] grown to " in BNC.

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1 Then the show ended and we had to return to America and I thought that was that — good friends , really talented , I 'd grown to really like David 's music .
2 There 's this old girl at er the top of the road you know , got them , she planted them half way down her garden , right , when they 'd grown to about six foot high she said we could have the rest of their garden , so we did , that 's how come our garden 's so big cos people give our , give us the garden
3 You wonder that it should seem to me at first all illusion But how natural — It is true of me … very true … that I have not a high appreciation of what passes in the world under the name of love ; & that a distrust of the thing had grown to be a habit of mind with me when I knew you first .
4 By the end of this period , it had grown to the size of a grapefruit — not much , admittedly , but a billion billion times larger than before .
5 By 1989 the figure had grown to 38% , an extraordinary risk for the American taxpayer to be asked to bear .
6 It is true that by the time of Law 's dismissal the number of Councils had grown to 1,005 .
7 By the early part of the 19th century , the business had grown to quite a sizeable concern , and consisted of scribbling and burling shops , wool lofts , a dye house , as well as a rack teaze and Webb 's substantial home .
8 Abolition of the rule preventing practice under limited liability has led to very considerable growth in this form of organisation and , by 1988 , the proportion of practices which had formed limited liability companies had grown to 7.5 per cent of the total .
9 In 1961 there were 11 crimes recorded per police-officer , but by 1986 this had grown to 32 .
10 By 1513 , the dispute had grown to such proportions that , before the Battle of Flodden , when James IV challenged the Earl of Surrey to single-handed combat to decide their two nations ' grievances , the rewards to the victor were to include the return of the town of Berwick to Scotland , and the removal of the Esk fish garth .
11 Before long their list of suspicious deaths had grown to more than two dozen .
12 By 1935 the population of the urban districts had grown to 295,000 .
13 By March this year its membership had grown to 70,000 .
14 However , at this distance from the monster , she could see that it was none other than her own tabby cat , which for some reason had grown to the size of a mammoth .
15 Church B had grown to a Sunday morning attendance of 200 .
16 HE SAID : ‘ Within seconds it had grown to 300ft high , almost the height of a tower block , and seemed to be rolling towards us , glowing brighter all the time .
17 In an age when avoiding the point had grown to be associated with Modernism and was ceasing to look like an amusing trick , realism looked courageous , unblinking and unbowdlerising .
18 Mitchell has calculated that on average in the 1760s two new towns per year appeared as the source of printed material and that this had grown to an average of seven per year in the 1790s .
19 The original membership of 10 — Belgium , Denmark , France , Britain , Ireland , Italy , the Netherlands , Luxembourg , Norway and Sweden — had grown to 18 by 1965 .
20 He had grown to be a mighty warrior , a great sorcerer and an excellent general .
21 The proportion of those on remand , that is , being held prior to trial or sentence , was 14.5 per cent in 1979 but in 1988 had grown to 23 per cent , with the average waiting time for trial at the Crown Court also increasing .
22 In 1957 there were just 140 lifers in prison ; thirty years later , in 1987 the number had grown to over 2,200 , of whom about one in five had received their life sentence for an offence other than murder .
23 On the English side the king 's eldest son , the Black Prince , had grown to manhood anxious to win his share of the glory and profits of war , of which he had had a taste at Crécy .
24 In the Bordelais , eight castellan families were to be found at the beginning of the twelfth century , but their number had grown to twenty-four by 1294 .
25 Excluding the minimal spillover benefits , one cost-benefit study concluded that the net benefits of the EPZs , in terms of jobs , trade and local purchases , had grown to the point where by 1982 they exceeded the costs of providing infrastructure and of foregone tax revenue ( Warr , 1987 : pp. 52–3 ) .
26 By 1960 , their number had grown to 150 in 1960 and to over 600 by 1980 .
27 By 1986 , thy bumiputra share of equity among the 173 members of the Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and Industry , which broadly represented the international business community , had grown to 21 per cent .
28 In 1885 France was in possession of a colonial empire which , in 25 years , had grown to three times its original size .
29 By 1989 , this had grown to about 55,000 solicitors and 5000 barristers .
30 By 1600 , its population had grown to 200,000 out of a national population of 3.5 million .
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