Example sentences of "[vb past] running [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Even if the couple got to the city before war began , it was unlikely that they would get out before the trains stopped running to the Channel ports .
2 Some of the guinea pigs stopped running for a week after a competitive marathon , while a second group jogged lightly for about 30 minutes every day the week after the race .
3 He practised running on the spot .
4 A huge dog came running towards me .
5 Emma came running towards her , saying , ‘ Mammy , I got a prize for recitation , look ! ’
6 Salt said as Jess came running into the kitchen .
7 She said : ‘ I heard a click and then a shot and one of our cats , Fluffy , came running into the garden .
8 It was well past her bedtime , but little Nichola came running into the living room where her mum and dad were sitting .
9 And yet it may still be true that he came within minutes of Jerome 's flight , found the man only stunned , stooped close and knew him , for then knowing was possible , and killed him , and only then took thought how to escape suspicion , and came running into the town , to me . ’
10 It was a nice touch when she came running along the embankment , late , fresh from her lover 's embraces . ’
11 An hour or so later Owen was working peacefully in his office when the door slammed at the end of the building and feet came running along the corridor .
12 Philip came running down the stairs .
13 Will 's sister , Joan , opened the door , and then Will came running down the stairs .
14 One morning , Azmaveth came running down the corridor outside Lucien 's room to intercept him before he went to his practice .
15 She came running down the stairs .
16 As he paused by the monkey-puzzle now the dogs came running at him , barking and jumping , sniffing at his feet .
17 If every minion came running to me with his little scrap of information , I would never get any work done . ’
18 When children came running to them for sweets , they scythed them down with automatic fire .
19 Well of course she came running to me , you see , and we immediately phoned for the doctor , you see but , however , and I said , look , phone for the doctor , I said , and then I said go across to the railway police just across the yard and I asked one of them to come to me and I said I will go up with her and be with her until the doctor arrived , er he was with her the police sergeant when she died .
20 ‘ Now Marguerite will think that I came running to you to beg to go home .
21 Other nomes came running across the quarry floor , with Nisodemus in the lead , and piled up in a crowd around the gate .
22 It seemed a simple system when I got to know it , but wondered what it was all about , with chaps standing in different places and shouting and bawling where they wanted this waggon that was being pushed off , as he came running without the train they diverted it into siding , you see , sorting out a train .
23 We talked about other things , and I told for the first time the story of how I lost the job at Drummonds , which made us both laugh so much the nurses came running with shocked looks to shut us up .
24 People came running with lanterns and torches , and soon hundreds of people were hurrying to the house .
25 Joe came running through the plastic curtains waving a slip of paper and a handful of notes .
26 ‘ I was on the ground and Robert came running over me and accidentally gashed my head with his boot , ’ said Barnes .
27 She was talking to Prue in the wardrobe — it was Geoffrey 's turn to call the half hour , when Bunny came running up the stairs .
28 James came running up the stairs as she came out of the office .
29 The second man , who was tall and lean , came running from the glade in which the car was parked .
30 Sarah came running from the parlour , her face colourless .
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