Example sentences of "[vb past] itself [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Bloodthirster cast itself forward at Indraugnir and slowly wrestled the dragon down .
2 Nevertheless , a particular large RNA molecule evolved spontaneously in the test-tube , and the same molecule re-evolved itself again and again in subsequent independent experiments !
3 We remember well its prime movers : Charlie Hopper , the gallant sub-postmaster ; Tom Robson who had the paper shop in Low Deanery Street ; Bob Jackson whose family business described itself still does as a ‘ lifetime furnisher . ’
4 A sheet of flame created itself away to his left , like a scrap of brilliant paper , and a Triplane was on its back , trailing smoke .
5 The BBC found itself increasingly demoralized , the proud corporate ethic of the days of Lord Reith under constant challenge .
6 While North Korea found itself increasingly isolated by the momentous changes which occurred in Eastern Europe in 1989 , its relationship with China remained close [ for unofficial visit to Beijing by Kim Il Sung , politburo member Ho Dam and Foreign Minister Kim Yong Nam in November 1989 see p. 37041 ] .
7 During the early and mid-1980s , there were persistent shortages in the money market and the Bank of England found itself regularly providing assistance to the market in the form of purchases of commercial bills .
8 In September Leslie 's 5th Brigade found itself part of the 4th Indian Division , and it was with this famous fighting force that he was to spend about the next nine months .
9 The conclusion in No. 10 was , therefore , that it had become part of the Cabinet Office and was politically starved … on anything that had a political dimension , the tank found itself rather isolated . ’
10 I often hear from friends in the military business , because that 's near my own sort of work , that the German part of NATO is the only really big and solid part of NATO , as if that military tradition has revived , found itself again .
11 As well as the few Canadian troops who were in fact sent to that theatre for training , this odd colonial unit also found itself there .
12 A BRITISH seaside resort 's Rotary club found itself way out of its depth when it extended the hand of friendship to a visiting Russian delegation .
13 Though not looking to Christmas to make up lost sales , Amberstone found itself about 15% up , said Sandy Bennet .
14 Not since the Crimean War nearly a century earlier , when middle-class radicalism latched on to the opportunities for attacking the aristocratic Establishment in the name of efficient prosecution of the war , had pacifist opinion found itself so isolated in Britain .
15 An economy that had been virtually self-contained for 20 years after 1945 suddenly found itself severely tested by international competition .
16 On a light-amplifying side-screen , the huge power fist outside size of an assault tank — obediently clenched itself too , becoming an adamantium wrecking ball .
17 Kampuchea and Laos would correspondingly have welcomed Southeast Asian neutralisation in the early 1970s , while Indonesia regarded itself too grand for a neutralised status .
18 " A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland " written by Martin Martin who was a doctor in Skye was published in 1703 and mentions Finlaggan , the mines , forts , caves , the well that moved itself here from Colonsay , and gives a list of churches , but tells little about the way of life .
19 " A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland " written by Martin Martin who was a doctor in Skye was published in 1703 and mentions Finlaggan , the mines , forts , caves , the well that moved itself here from Colonsay , and gives a list of churches , but tells little about the way of life .
20 Outings , in fact the choir excelled itself that much we were invited to join many others to Crystal Palace , which which well known place at that time and er it was quite exciting .
21 He would gaze for a long time and , when Gabriel had finished his tasks , would settle again until the ghost reinforced itself somewhere else a few days later .
22 Furthermore , the Catholic church involved itself fully both in the important rites of passage , such as baptism , marriage , and the last rites , that marked an individual 's progress from the cradle to the grave , and also in the annual round of celebrations which marked out the changing seasons .
23 But it healed itself eventually .
24 But he did not wait for a reply before throwing himself to one side as a sabre whistled down and buried itself deep in the brickwork of the window sill where he had been sitting .
25 After the building was taken the " national salvation committee " installed itself there as a rival government .
26 However , in its 1989 Economic Policy Review Labour committed itself only to renationalising British Telecom and the water industry , as well as tightening regulations on privatised monopolies .
27 His mind busied itself automatically with dating and placing this unachieved dialogue with an unidentified woman .
28 Clara 's contingent sized up the situation in a disappointed trice , and hunched itself together in a corner to confront the disorderly scene by a solid front of backs .
29 " Il n'y a plus rien à faire , " and Clara , in the exquisite delight of understanding , relaxed the grip of her knees , and his hand , obedient , stirred itself once more .
30 THE provisonal government of Romania made itself very much less provisional yesterday by decreeing significant constitutional changes , including the fact that the country is no longer a socialist republic .
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