Example sentences of "[vb past] largely [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The most widely accepted theory of human evolution — proposed largely by anthropologists , and based on fossil findings — connects the transformation of our early ancestors to some geological changes which trapped them in the eastern side of Africa 's Rift valley , in an environment that was suddenly drier and more open .
2 They cover mainly the period since 1950 in order to allow for the full return to peacetime economic conditions which occurred largely during the reconstruction period after 1945 .
3 The biggest increases in growth rate between the two periods , however , occurred largely in counties situated at a greater distance from London , namely ( in rank order ) Northamptonshire , Isle of Wight , Lincolnshire , Dyfed , Gloucestershire , Devon , Dorset and Hereford & Worcester .
4 Many of the great trees of the Carboniferous were lycopods , the trunks of which contributed largely to the formation of coal .
5 Young contributed largely to Annals of Agriculture .
6 The original Company depot was built in Copse Road , and used largely as a store for surplus cars .
7 They form a vital component of our defences against chemical attack from trace compounds found largely in our diet .
8 The changes stemmed largely from the generation gap .
9 The fortunes of the Trelawney family , which was to include the famed bishop , and the Bullers , to include Sir Redvers Buller of Boer War fame , stemmed largely from the downfall of the Winslade family , long holders of the manor of Tregarrick .
10 This move stemmed largely from the perceived success of the police in Britain and India .
11 This stemmed largely from a lack of political analysis and clarity in relation to nationalism and feminism on the part of Southern feminists .
12 It is interesting in this context to look at the large ( 2 MW ) windmill built largely by students at a college complex in Tvind , Denmark .
13 Many of these people lived largely without the agent of money , and survived by bartering what excess produce they had .
14 In later life she suffered much from ill health , and lived largely in retirement .
15 Mintzberg , who studied five chief executives in the USA and reviewed previous research , gives the best account of the importance of informal information and argues that : the manager 's advantage lies , not in the documented information that is widely available , and which takes time to process , but in the current non-documented information transmitted largely by word of mouth … managers seem to indicate strong preference for current information , much of which is necessarily unsubstantiated ( gossip ) , and for information on events rather than trends …
16 The following three years saw a complex set of political manoeuvres , centred largely on the control of various cities of Aquitaine .
17 Consequently , until 1935 the labour movement is of more interest when studied in its extra-parliamentary role , which centred largely around the issue of unemployment .
18 These deals , made largely in secret , ignore the fact that pulp prices are plummeting and US legislation requires newspapers to be printed on recycled paper .
19 The German states in the years before the formation of the Reich sold largely to one another , and this brought pressure to bear on ‘ unfair ’ Jewish trade .
20 At this time they operated largely within the mercantilist premises of their opponents .
21 In the mid 1970s there was an abortive attempt to develop a new way of managing the industry in the Territories Plan ( which would have given a structure very similar to that developed in Germany in much earlier years and still in use both on DB and DR ) , but this failed largely on account of union opposition .
22 The evening passed largely without incident , with no wars breaking out in the terraces .
23 The merger of Mills and Boon and the Harlequin imprint acts as a paradigm for the sequences of company mergers and takeovers that took place in the sixties and seventies in publishing in Britain and America , a period in which the ownership structures of publishing underwent a profound shift away from specialist producers and distributors of books , towards groups of publishing houses owned largely by corporate organizations whose primary interests were not in publishing .
24 When MPs last night debated the related issue of compulsory repatriation of Vietnamese refugees from Hong Kong , they divided largely on party lines .
25 When MPs last night debated the related issue of compulsory repatriation of Vietnamese refugees from Hong Kong , they divided largely on party lines .
26 These questions arose largely as a consequence of EC membership , which necessitated a phased withdrawal of ‘ protection ’ from the Spanish home market .
27 In the wake of the election in Haringey , an allegedly independent campaign , the Parents ' Rights Group , was set up and led largely by working-class women .
28 But such a decline was illusory — caused largely by the unusual circumstances of the 1931 General Election .
29 The initial drive for a single European market came largely from the Thatcher government following a major policy speech at Chatham House in March 1984 by Sir Geoffrey Howe , the then Foreign Secretary .
30 It was they who controlled the way in which performers , who came largely from working-class backgrounds , developed and packaged popular forms into acceptable acts .
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