Example sentences of "[vb past] finally [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 When Lotty and Rose finally arrived , they were discomfited to find Mrs Fisher , a formidable widow , and Lady Dester , a bored society beauty trying to escape male attention , already in residence .
2 You found sometimes that other rules were n't required because that rule new rule that you 'd finally developed encompassed other classes of events .
3 He moved incredibly slowly , zombie-ish , as if he 'd been a patient in there since before the flood and they 'd finally decided to let him out for some fresh air .
4 She 'd finally realised that what she needed was to commit mind , body and soul into something challenging and exciting .
5 By some miracle , the 2CV had n't been towed away when I 'd finally dragged Ash out ; we 'd made it to the M1 , picked up a hitcher and — rather beyond the call of duty , I 'd have said — dropped him where he was going , in Coventry .
6 His students thought he 'd finally flipped and started telling fairy stories , but this was no fairy story , this was a real Gothic Horror .
7 Ace was beginning to think he 'd finally flipped .
8 Not only had I gained the technical degree I 'd been chasing , but I 'd finally achieved a position in a business when I could use that expertise to its full potential .
9 You did n't fall in love with someone in the space of a few days , just because you 'd finally succumbed to the lures of sex , or lust , or whatever had overwhelmed her ever since he 'd fished her out of the sea that first night …
10 Lewis , standing at the front gate , had managed to catch most of the exchanges ; had watched Mrs Williams as she 'd finally turned away from Morse in tearful distress .
11 On trips into London after we 'd finally moved to Wales , I would raid skips and bring back the booty on the car roof-rack .
12 I held up the intact bottle of rice wine I 'd finally recovered from the depths of my parka .
13 The authorities would think you 'd finally cracked under the pressure of what had happened to your family .
14 ‘ I 'd finally won custody of my daughter Eva and we had just moved down from Scotland to Leeds with my boyfriend Glynn .
15 But I was glad that I 'd finally had sex — it was a way of proving that my parents and Uncle Joe had n't destroyed my life .
16 His head , when I 'd finally looked at him , was turned away from me towards his companions , as was Daffodil 's also .
17 But after we 'd pulled over and Jeffrey Bernard had been unwell on the pavement , after the police car had been persuaded to leave us alone , and after we 'd finally got that hefty brute of a Bill Ellis Trophy fully upright again — in its carrying case and everything — I was at least able to start thinking partially straight again .
18 The umpire , who 'd finally got control of his pony , gave Rutshire a penalty .
19 That was what Josey had told Lisa when she 'd finally got home , flush-faced and anxious , still upset from her angry encounter with Alexander Vass and worried sick about little Emily .
20 I 'd got a baby — forty-two hours in labour , but I 'd finally got a baby .
21 No one was jumping for joy because they 'd finally got the piece they 'd been searching for for years .
22 She 'd finally drifted off to sleep at about two , woken an hour later feeling cold and slipped under the covers , resting fitfully until room service brought her breakfast at eight .
23 It had been a sweet night — the shadows growing deeper as they 'd talked , until she 'd finally drifted off to sleep with his arms tight about her and his lips on her hair .
24 I thought that after all these years I 'd finally tamed her .
25 Was he worried that she 'd finally found her proof that he was hand in glove with Harry Martin ?
26 She waited until the glare of the headlights hid finally faded from view .
27 The royal marriage had finally ended .
28 About halfway across the Channel a man in a plastic mackintosh came back to a nearby table and announced that the rain had finally stopped — just our luck , he added .
29 Feeling a little better now that the weight was off her feet and the room had finally stopped swimming around her , Lisa watched him through lowered lashes as he phoned down his order .
30 Ken did n't look up until he 'd finished the story he was reading and only then when his lips had finally stopped moving .
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