Example sentences of "[vb past] already [be] " in BNC.

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1 When we 'd finished I asked if we could wash up and run the errands but she said she 'd already been to the shops with her brother .
2 ‘ I 'd already been away since I was nine , ’ Philip retorted .
3 I 'd already been to the forest couple of times as a student and thought it was the most wonderful place .
4 She had lost him for a while , at the party , but she 'd already been too drunk to worry .
5 She began to hope that maybe she 'd already been rescued and this was n't Spiderglass at all .
6 She 'd already been there over two weeks , and still had n't been able to speak to the Dane .
7 Scott could n't see the name painted along one side of it but he 'd already been told it was called The Abbott .
8 No not in comparison to the jobs I 'd already been in .
9 And she 'd already been with me for several years before we met , so you felt that perhaps she knew me better than you did , and you hated that . ’
10 From his demeanour , fierce and uncompromising , I knew he 'd already been denounced by Martinho .
11 She felt as if she 'd already been questioned on the rack , and fitzAlan had n't even tried to force any definite answers out of her .
12 The farmer Colin French , who 'd already been prosecuted five times , was given a suspended jail sentence and banned from keeping four species of farm animal for fifteen years .
13 The judge said he 'd already been punished a thousand times .
14 There was worse to come just minutes later , when striker , Dave Mitchell , who 'd already been booked , charged carelessly into a tackle .
15 They 'd already been marinaded in red wine and spices before being fried up with onions , mushrooms and ginger .
16 The prosecution say David Nock was the first of the running men , he 'd already been stabbed and collapsed outside a nearby nightclub calling for help .
17 He was sentenced to twelve months in jail but was released when the court heard he 'd already been in custody for ten months .
18 Well apparently it had gone to Andrew , and , Andrew had cos Andrew is n't in the office all the time , and he 'd left it in the office , and I think they faxed it by th Andrew was gon na talk to somebody about it , but of course , by the time he 'd got there , it 'd already been done and this had happened so I 'm gon na ring erm Job Centre when I get home .
19 Walked through there and got to the simulator took our jackets off , pretended we 'd already been in walked straight past and we were right on site !
20 they 'd already been
21 She 'd already been married and divorced and she was quite a bit older than him and I , I was n't very happy about it to start , but they seem to have settled down alright
22 And I bloody well know that when we you know , first moved there and we 're in the caravan she had n't asked him and they 'd already been there eighteen months !
23 I thought they 'd already been done
24 Well they 'd already been to the pantomime at your school so you 'll have to wait till next year now .
25 The protestors turned up in force to confront the man , but he 'd already been and gone .
26 The local authority to which he applied refused to provide the necessary grant , and the person was sadly compelled to turn down a place on a one-year post-graduate course which had already been offered to him .
27 I had already been part of the theatre working as an ASM at the Cambridge Arts Theatre , not with the University but with the
28 But I do not mean to suggest either , he wrote , that it was all waiting and no doing , all sitting and no action , for though it was impossible to tell when the beginning would come , indeed , he wrote , there could not have been a real beginning if it had been possible to tell , for if it had been possible to tell that would have meant that there had already been a beginning , no , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , occasionally things were done , work was begun , though it was soon abandoned , it added up to nothing , it only showed me that I had been mistaken in thinking that I had indeed started .
29 But what if at the moment of birth the whole of one 's life to come were to flash before one 's eyes and then to be immediately wiped away , forgotten , while we laboriously go through all the pleasures and sorrows , all the hopes and frustrations that make up a life , meeting people and parting from them , listening to them and speaking to them , to go through tasting all we taste in the course of our long lives , seeing all we see , every leaf at every moment and every cloud at every moment , and hearing all we hear , the hooting of every car and the singing of every bird and every performance of the Brandenburg concertos , go through all that , in time , very slowly , though we had already been through it all , every moment of it , leaf , cloud , concerto , in one brief but intense instant , everything perfectly formed but over in less than a second ?
30 True also that property questions had already been separated off from the main business , to be handled by the British Rail Property Board ( also on a regional basis , but with somewhat different geographical areas from those used by the operating regions ) .
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