Example sentences of "[vb past] this book " in BNC.

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1 Darwin if he read this book would scarcely recognize his own original theory in it , though I hope he would like the way I put it .
2 Dorian read this book many times .
3 I only got this book last week .
4 However , I found this book immensely valuable , and it will certainly take price of place in my collection of chromatography reference books .
5 Compared with other books , I found this book the most difficult to write , but also the most satisfying to have written .
6 I found this book in your drawer Junie .
7 I found this book in your drawer .
8 I finished this book
9 I began this book with Gide 's chance encounter with Wilde in Algiers and , through Wilde , that momentous sexual encounter with Mohammed which profoundly changes Gide 's life and profoundly influences his art .
10 On the contrary , as we began this book by noticing , most people think that judges who act in this way are usurpers .
11 ( Rather than Aunt Polly ) I enjoyed this book , and found it very clever , as it was all from Finn 's point of view .
12 8 Sunday settled this book and wrote letter — 24 plates done with the first ground in 32 days — I think when the days get long — one of these plates may be done in a day …
13 I started this book in the middle , with the chapter on ‘ strategies for the relief of poverty ’ and then worked my way forwards and backwards , drawn by the tasty contents list .
14 We started this book with a quest .
15 I felt this book cries for action ; it has helped me understand that to give an honest testimony of my feelings , I had to impose on myself not to betray my dignity as a woman and as a member of a community .
16 One is I do n't know whether any , any of you noticed but come to that part when I reached this book , and the whole load of jokes on this page are topical they 'll be appreciated by the audience at the time .
17 In fact , you were probably in your adult state when you bought this book to help you decide how to figure out the next stages of your life .
18 Those are mine and I bought this book
19 Because there are so many locations within the Castle , it simply is n't practical to detail every last carpet and piece of furniture — if we did this book would be twice the size ( and twice the price ! ) .
20 Perhaps Wiener left this book unpublished because he felt it would start too many battles .
21 In initiating my original purchase I incur an obligation to make a payment in money , but I in turn have to have a source from which I can acquire the money in the first place , and this will , directly or indirectly , put me into at least a temporary relationship with a great variety of people , including the reader who purchased this book from a bookstall and paid out money , some small fraction of which will eventually find its way back to myself .
22 Had this book been written in 1964 , for example , the responsibilities of the Department of Health and Social Security would have been described as coming under the Ministry of Health , the Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance , and the National Assistance Board .
23 He had this book , see , A Complete History of the World 's Art .
24 No I thought , cos I , I remember reading erm I think it 's her father who owns one of the bookshops in Woodbridge and he had this book on display , you know he sort of erm advertised it if you like and it 's , it 's properly published and everything but he had it as a a book available in his store and there was an advert in the Anglian about it , and I remember reading that she said er that he said er cos it was his daughter who had the child , that it totally knocked them for six .
25 However , Richard Baxter was laid low with illness and could n't go , so he wrote this book for them instead .
26 Professor Hoskins was particularly interested in the Banbury Lane , largely because it had been identified as a prehistoric trackway by archaeologists in the 1950s , shortly before he wrote this book .
27 Jared Diamond wrote this book for his twin sons , when they will be old enough to read .
28 He wrote this book , he started Traidcraft off , he was the person who was i his brainchild , he was the driving force behind it for a long time .
29 You see , he was exceptionally nice and he used to lecture at the colleges and er he was a real , very nice gentleman and er and so he , of course he , he , he took his drink across to the table with him and sometimes I took it for him it just depend and he , he wrote this book and er I forget now , perhaps you would like to read and see what he says
30 I would like to think that if Freud were alive today , he would have said the same thing , of course when Freud wrote this book in nineteen twenty one er there was no such thing as group psychotherapy it had n't been invented yet , it was to become very much after World War Two but partly existed before and perhaps it 's past its peak now , but erm it did become very much a after World War Two and the point I made was and this is really wh wh what Heather ha h has just said , that if you take Freud 's book on , on group seriously , how can you do group psychoanalysis ?
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