Example sentences of "[vb past] be allowed " in BNC.

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1 She selected the first three pages — Lucy as she 'd been allowed to see her , and handed them over .
2 This particular Saturday I 'd been allowed — for the first time — to stay at home alone .
3 The nice people are still there to enjoy the music , although perhaps not as much as if they 'd been allowed to express themselves and some of the nasty people are beginning to appreciate the actual music .
4 He and his friends would have seen that if they 'd been allowed to talk for a bit .
5 He 'd been allowed to cross the border .
6 He unzipped his bag and took out what few possessions he 'd been allowed to bring in to the cell : a small cassette-radio and a few tapes .
7 In his ward at the Waterloo they 'd been allowed to smoke for an hour a day .
8 Had been appalled to discover , through the industry grapevine , that I 'd been allowed to continue with the assignment after taking such a beating from ben Issachar .
9 Boy called Daniel could n't write Daniel cos all last year he 'd been allowed to put Danny an he 'd forgotten how to write Daniel !
10 Again , as I recorded in a fieldnote , this assistant chief exhibited aspects of what I could only then describe as ‘ institutional paranoia ’ , when he went on to deride an unnamed social scientist who had been allowed research facilities inside a police force ( unspecified ) .
11 On a five-year conventional Eurobond , fees might be 1.25 per cent of the total issue amount , yet banks would be lucky to see one eighth per cent ( and that on a good deal ) once discounts had been allowed to buyers of the bonds .
12 Earlier this week the Ministry of Agriculture confirmed that Dutch eggs known to be infected with salmonella had been allowed on sale in the UK .
13 It was indefensible to keep the latter in jail while thousands of others who had succeeded in escaping had been allowed out to the West , he said .
14 A mood of excitement had been allowed to build , followed by a feeling of let-down .
15 On the other hand , if Lewis had been allowed to live in this way , though we might have had a few more mighty works of literary history from his pen , it is doubtful whether he would have written the works for which he is more popular .
16 Land stewards had become autonomous , farm buildings had fallen into disuse , land had been poorly managed , properties had been allowed to run down and rents had gone unreviewed .
17 ‘ I think if I had been allowed to go on , there would still be a British film industry , ’ Forbes said in the late 1980s .
18 Dozens of early Georgian houses built in the 1720s in Queen Anne style ( surprisingly rare in central London ) had been allowed to fall into decay — to be turned into sweatshops for the clothing industry , to be converted into offices for the fruit-market or simply to become slums .
19 Blacks would have been better off now if , after being shipped to America in chains , they had been allowed the same freedom to prosper as willing immigrants were .
20 She assured him that his apprehensions about her travelling late at night were quite unfounded : she and her sisters had been allowed to travel about unaccompanied in Southport and London since the age of twelve or thirteen .
21 The first priority was to re-establish the team unity that had been allowed to dwindle , with the result that there had been much arguing and bickering The old inter-island rivalries that Worrell had eradicated had surfaced again , and he knew the team would accomplish little until these disappeared .
22 One particular disadvantage was the fact that its immediate neighbours had been allowed to crumble into decay , leaving Frankie 's home sandwiched between two boarded , dilapidated buildings barely ft for storage .
23 And in the bathroom , she had been allowed to use one of the tiny , individual soap shells especially provided for the guests , and to keep it afterwards .
24 But North insisted at the hearings that not everybody had scorned it , and certainly it sounded plausible enough to O'Boyle ; it was a state secret , and he had been allowed to share it .
25 Nothing would weigh more heavily with many Tories than the thought that what above all had led them to throw away the 1992 election was the way the positive values and achievements of the Thatcher years had been allowed , through loss of nerve , to be obscured .
26 Miss Lyn Birchmore , 24 , of Cheltenham , was bitten on the face and back by the pet macaw which had been allowed out by its owner .
27 Although Indians had been allowed to join the ICS since 1858 , only a handful had actually sat its fiercely competitive examinations , let alone passed .
28 The canals of the area had been allowed to deteriorate over many years and for many months of each year could not carry full loads .
29 And what about the agents Blake had been allowed to betray in order to prove his sincerity ?
30 There had been calls for the removal , even the court-martialling , of the general concerned , but the army had defended the latter and he had been allowed to complete the campaign .
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