Example sentences of "[vb past] been ten " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The river had been ten feet up the previous week and I thing the chub had been pushed into the swim , ’ said Mick , 33 .
2 She had never questioned his facts ; he had been ten or twelve at the time and she had confidently assumed that he knew what he was talking about .
3 On that occasion he had been ten years old As children between the wars , Yanto and his friends spent most of their Summers out in the estuary between tides .
4 The hands moved away , downwards , across the hard muscle of his stomach that was as tough and flat as it had been ten years ago , when he was eighteen .
5 He had been ten weeks in the bush , a womanless bush , and Olga Stych had to put up with the fact .
6 It had been ten past five when I had last checked on the time .
7 The division of the movement suggested this and the spectre of a resurgent Germany under Hitler 's leadership made Fascism as alien as Bolshevism had been ten years before .
8 He had been ten years old at the time of Herbert 's wedding ; his name was Max Beerbohm ; the story is recounted in Lord David Cecil 's Max , A Biography ; the date was 1882 , and sillabub , added Max , was then his favourite dish .
9 In 1973 Esquire magazine asked a number of famous people where they had been ten years earlier when they heard that John Kennedy was assassinated .
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