Example sentences of "[vb past] they ought " in BNC.

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1 The grant was voted more because Charles ended disputes over land titles running over the previous twenty years than because the West Indians believed they ought to support the English Exchequer , but a permanent colonial contribution to the home government was — at least for England — a new and interesting departure , though one that had no sequel .
2 But er the government , a long while ago , actually decided they ought to do something about knocking the institutions ' heads together and they drew up a plan called the Council of Engineering Institutes , where the idea was we get a little of coordination across the entire patch .
3 It was what they felt they ought to do as managers .
4 Hazel suspected that if Fiver felt they ought to cross the river , it might be dangerous not to .
5 Some had very young children and ( like many mothers of young babies ) felt they ought to stay at home and care for them .
6 Taking advantage of the disordered and uncertain state of things it is not surprising that some mineral " owners " felt they ought to have reward for the working of minerals on their land , and there is little doubt that legal issues could and did arise where such " illegal " mining was detected .
7 ‘ Things have turned out all right for them , though at the time I felt like you , and thought they ought to have stayed till eighteen , as I did , and the two elder ones did .
8 Roland thought they ought to look for somewhere else , but held back from proposing it , because he was not the breadwinner , and because he did n't want to do anything so decisive , in terms of himself and Val .
9 One formed the impression that its editor gave his readers what he thought they ought to read rather than what they might want or enjoy .
10 Eighty four patients ( 27% ) thought they ought to be looked after by both their general practitioner and the hospital , 138 ( 45% ) by their general practitioner alone , 54 ( 17% ) by the hospital alone , and 13 ( 4.2% ) by a diabetes nurse ( 19 patients did not respond to this question ) .
11 ‘ Well , the rich merchant was very powerful , and he came to control things in the city , and he made everybody do as he thought they ought to do ; snowball-throwing was made illegal , and children had to eat up all their food .
12 Others , like myself , who knew George , or like Geoff Tulloch , who thought they ought to put in an appearance , travelled by the special minibus hired for the occasion .
13 at two o'clock this afternoon , er , because he was , he thought they ought to go on , totally rebuild of the fire on the
14 She was still trying to cope with the matter when Oliver said they ought to leave if they were to meet him as planned .
15 I said as Bet said they ought to have a one way over there that 's what they ought to have .
16 I said to Bet I said they ought to write out a cheque on the end .
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