Example sentences of "[vb past] from early " in BNC.

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1 This stance fits very oddly indeed with the deeply buried core values of Marx 's thought , especially with the concepts of human nature which he drew from early nineteenth-century German philosophy .
2 Some re–seeding may be required to the areas previously sown and which suffered from early frosts .
3 This reasoning came from early reading of a Ladybird book on Lautrec , van Gogh and Gauguin .
4 This reasoning came from early reading of a Ladybird book on Lautrec , van Gogh and Gauguin .
5 Another impetus came from early visits to the school by the then PAL:YPE and the Senior County Inspector for Learning Resources .
6 Pallister recovered from early setbacks when he could so easily have drifted back into Northern League football .
7 In both cases , the porosity probably resulted from early leaching and was preserved when the sediments were dolomitised .
8 The City was slightly disappointed by the figures , and gilts lost ground , but share prices rebounded from early falls and the FT-SE 100-Share Index closed near its best of the day , up 20.4 points at 2,900.1 , with 824 million shares traded .
9 An artistic affinity is also affirmed by the fact that they shared , along with Julian Trevelyan , a Lefevre Gallery exhibition which ran from early December 1946 through to mid January the following year .
10 Brenda Pridmore , recently appointed Clerical Officer/receptionist at Hoggatt 's Laboratory , pushed the marmalade across the breakfast table and began methodically slicing thin strips from the white of her fried egg , postponing , as she had from early childhood , that cataclysmic moment when she would plunge the fork into the glistening yellow dome .
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