Example sentences of "[vb past] not require " in BNC.

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1 The only redeeming feature of a goalless , worthless event at Stamford Bridge was that it did not require a grant .
2 She did not require a lot of money , would indeed have despised it .
3 A single , introverted individual who was self-catering and whose job did not require contact with others would be able to live like this .
4 In the real world it did not require a superman to beat Mr Kinnock .
5 Although considered in need of assessment or treatment , these women did not require compulsory admission , with the attendant limits on civil liberties .
6 It did not require much effort on Gehlen 's part to convince the Americans that the real enemy was Russia and with his help they could have a ready-made intelligence organisation .
7 It was a hard walk to the mountain top , and she was relieved he had selected a pastime which did not require her participation .
8 Various suggestions had been made that the market might be used as a commodity trading floor , but careful research persuaded us ( correctly , as it transpired ) that the brokers did not require a large open trading floor like the Stock Exchange or Lloyd 's .
9 The court pointed out that reasonable suspicion did not require the police ‘ to have anything like a prima facie case for conviction ’ .
10 This did not require proof of any wrongdoing and involved the defendant undertaking , on pain of a financial penalty , either to keep the peace or to be of good behaviour , depending on how the matter was treated by the magistrates .
11 In a further six cases ( one in Newham , five in Ipswich ) the development officer said she would have liked to provide a little extra help but a support worker was rejected by the client or his informal carer ; and since they did not require the kind of direct help which the development officer could provide , she merely visited occasionally to check whether or not the situation was breaking down .
12 The Argentinian Foreign Minister said that his country did not require guarantees of sovereignty over the Falklands as long as they remained in Argentinian possession , and strikes broke out in hospitals .
13 The ARR did not require the reporting accountant to report on controlled trust accounts , although Part II of the SAR contained rules determining how a solicitor should deal with the movement of controlled trust money , ie the circumstances in which money could be paid in or withdrawn from a controlled trust account , and the records that had to be kept .
14 In some ways the locals were lucky that Ennex had bought Mogul as the original lease did not require the leaseholders , Mogul , to rehabilitate the area until the lease expired on 1 December 1988 .
15 The local opposition did not require much effort to undermine state legitimacy on the effects of uranium mining : indeed the state itself contributed strongly to its own delegitimization .
16 By the time that I began to work with Ahmed and Amitha , I had resolved within myself that I could n't be anything other than a Black lesbian and that was in itself its own political identity , one that did not require validation from either the women 's , gay or Black movements .
17 Similarly , though he insisted on doctrine which he considered essential to the Anglican faith , he did not require conformity on non-essentials , and also believed that there were divine mysteries on which it was idle to speculate .
18 The worker accepted that at that point he did not require any more help , and terminated the contract , leaving her address .
19 Mitterrand 's personal doctor said his condition could be treated easily — probably with pills — and did not require chemotherapy .
20 For the provision of a new interpretation of walking ( later to be compiled , as it were ) precisely did not require any access to , or repair of , the structure of how the walking was done originally .
21 It did not require a genius to discover that there had been a structural failure of the right stabiliser in down-load while the aircraft was on final approach to land and that fundamental to the failure was a massive fatigue fracture of the rear spar of the stabiliser emanating from the hole of the eleventh fastener on the forward flange of the stabiliser chord .
22 Unix Labs maintains that 32V was a limited publication , further restricted by contractual restraints and subject to limited publication law and therefore did not require a copyright notice .
23 The second is that of people , and they included Pope Paul himself and most of the Council fathers , who greatly welcomed what had been done and desired its effective implementation , but saw it as all in all a daring and radical reform which had gone beyond anything they sought when the Council began and which did not require significant further development .
24 Some learning theories ( differential association was an example ) moved away from the idea of criminals being identifiably different kinds of people : their criminal behaviour was seen as being acquired in much the same way as any other behaviour was acquired ; it did not require any special , predisposing characteristics for it to happen to particular people .
25 While other network companies mooted various ideas with the ITA for absorbing LWT or making London a single franchise — ideas that were anathema — Murdoch won reluctant ITA approval to buy the General Electric Company 's 7.5 per cent of the voting shares ( and a larger block of non-voting shares , which did not require approval ) .
26 USL maintains that 32V was a limited publication , further restricted by contractual restraints and subject to limited publication law and therefore did not require a copyright notice .
27 The prosperity of the wood-pasture region of Suffolk was fully comparable ; with minimal arable it did not require the same great numbers of labourers as the cornfields farther west , a feature that clearly marks the boundary between the chalk soils and the clay loams .
28 By definition , such agreements did not require approval by the legislature and ‘ In the year 1930 the United States made 25 treaties and only 9 executive agreements ; in 1971 , 214 executive agreements and only 17 treaties .
29 The Court of Appeal held that because the principle of effective protection only required that national courts should provide remedies for the protection of European rights which were as effective as the remedies available for the protection of similar rights in English law ; and since a plaintiff can recover damages against governmental bodies in English law only if a breach of private law can be shown ; and since the challenged action would not be actionable in tort in English law ; it followed that the principle of effective protection did not require that damages be available to the plaintiff as a remedy .
30 This measure was important , first , because it was the first extension from the field of schooling into that of welfare of the principle that a publicly-financed benefit could be granted to those in need , free both of charge and of the disabilities associated with the Poor Law ; second , it was a step towards recognition that parents were not necessarily culpable for the undernourishment of their children and that , with public support , needy children could be well cared for at home and did not require withdrawal into public or voluntary care .
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