Example sentences of "[vb past] [det] importance " in BNC.

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1 Whether working in an expansive phase in which the techniques of ‘ agitation ’ were widely used or in a ‘ consolidationist ’ period in which ‘ pressure from without ’ assumed less importance , antislavery needed to maximise its influence in parliament and the administration in order to translate aspiration into policy and ensure that policy was effectively executed .
2 He predicted the EC could be entering a period where the annual price negotiations assumed less importance in the farming year and the procedure moved closer to the five-year system applied in the US .
3 It was on the issue of party organization that the national question assumed most importance at this time .
4 The Prime Minister , Mr Wilson , reacted by saying that such votes were not customary ; however , his presence and that of his senior colleagues on important occasions showed that importance was attached to these gatherings .
5 Most rural boundary disputes have their roots in the lackadaisical practices of country solicitors who never placed much importance on proper searches .
6 Only 5 per cent said interest rate was the most important factor , and even when their second and third choice factors were added in , only 19 per cent gave any importance to interest rates .
7 The capital asset of the farms had little importance for most yet in some areas the value must have been substantial .
8 They had little importance , however , outside a small minority of the educated classes .
9 Walking the paths was thus a ritual act , what the Buddhists might call ‘ walking meditation ’ , and the paths themselves reflected this importance .
10 Steve gave up the day job last August and , with my razor sharp powers of journalistic observation , I think the day had some importance for him .
11 Interest rate was never judged the most important factor ( nor was total cost of credit ) with things costing up to £100 , and with these even adding in people 's second and third choice factors showed that interest rates only had some importance for about 12 per cent of shoppers .
12 This point had some importance because , in Gaitskell 's absence in America , there was an attempt by Griffiths , the Deputy Leader , to object to the course which had been adopted .
13 Whatever its origin , this discovery had much importance in the future of penicillin .
14 But none of this had much importance .
15 Poor John Durbeyfield 's death had more importance than his family realized at first .
16 And she thought , as she stood there with Rosie , Susie , Katie , Isabel , Janice and Heather , that none of it mattered , none of it had any importance , in view of the fact that she was going .
17 Although almost certainly influenced by Astell 's Serious Proposal to the Ladies ( 1694 ) , she attached little importance to the role of education in achieving greater equality between the sexes .
18 He would only assume that she attached some importance to his opinion and take it as a compliment .
19 In his classic work on the constitution , Walter Bagehot attached much importance to this " elective function " ; The House of Commons , he declared , was " a real choosing body : it elects the people it likes .
20 His response to her warm generosity , his attention when she swept all importances aside to consider the greater importance of the 3.30 at Newmarket , won her completely .
21 In this aspect she is linked , as I mentioned in Chapter One , with Harriet Finlay Johnson who attached more importance to content than any pioneers since .
22 There was public and media speculation that the real purpose of the ANC 's letter was to rally its supporters in the townships , and to fend off criticism that it attached more importance to pressing on with constitutional negotiations with the government than to defending its own people .
23 ‘ The day when I attached less importance to ( my stepdaughter ) liking me than to her respecting me , I began to treat her more as I would my own child . ’
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