Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] hope " in BNC.

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1 Turning to the volume 's introductory pages , I read some encouraging words that at once led me to hope that I might yet track down a few potential search areas that had not already received too much attention .
2 ‘ As they approached I hoped they would ask me to join them for dinner as in the old days , ’ he recalls .
3 He found himself hoping that the man would succeed in his plan to take a knot of followers remaining faithful to the Aten — if they existed — out to the deserts which , he had heard , extended to the east of the Great Green , and form an outpost of the new religion there .
4 ‘ Any use ? ’ she asked , but waves of tiredness were sweeping over her and she found herself hoping that his answer would be no .
5 She found herself hoping very much that he would .
6 ‘ I believed she hoped it would happen , ’ said Primaflora .
7 Yet as long as she lived she hoped she would never be obliged to exchange another word with him .
8 Perhaps the title led one to hope for more of a synthesis than is possible in the space .
9 ‘ Nobody killed I hope ?
10 I think one of the most valuable points that emerged from the Felixstowe experience , as far as I was concerned anyway was the fact that with all those people there when we heard their views , erm , it was quite apparent that it was n't the case of local people opposing what the County Council traffic people propose to do , many there were many different and varying interests there and , and we , we could , we can then basically come to a conclusion which satisfied , satisfied I hope most of them , but , we , we , at that meeting among the local people some supporters with some of our road safety and some were very much against them , others were neutral , but it was n't just a question of erm a , a united opposition of what we proposed to do er , and this was very valuable .
11 I had hoped that his would also be the case with the Emperor Peckoltia because as funds permitted I hoped to build up the numbers from two to four .
12 The man who called himself Hope went down the sleepy cow-crossed and vagrant-strewn main street of Keswick with the speed and determination of the utterly resolved .
13 He 's known the truth about the Durances , he 's kidnapped Barbara Coleman , he knew someone hoped to kill me , he probably knew about the Josephs and the drugs … ’
14 go down and meet the bus so we 're sat there now ten past eleven and I thought I hope we have n't missed it now and she 's walked up , she 's standing out the door cos I 'd locked the door .
15 I knew he hoped to take the treasure , cut every honest throat on that island , find and board the Hispaniola at night , and sail away a rich man and a murderer .
16 But just before kick-off his opposite number Roy Walker announced he hoped to complete the signing of Duffy for Crusaders this week .
17 Two boys who were rescued from the fighting in Lebanon are back tonight at the hospital that rebuilt their bodies and gave them hope for the future .
18 Dared she hope that fitzAlan had already risen , giving her time to resume her protective mask ?
19 ‘ What did you hope to accomplish by doing that ? ’
20 Did you hope to show the slides that you 've got ? ,
21 ‘ What did you hope to get from me ? ’
22 What did you hope to achieve , though ?
23 ‘ What did you hope for ? ’ she prompted , then held her breath .
24 ‘ How did you hope to profit ? ’
25 And , if so , what did she hope to gain by it ?
26 Did she hope to stand in a winnable seat at the next election ?
27 What did we hope to learn ?
28 And why the Customs men anyway , and what on earth did they hope to find … ?
29 " How did he hope to get away with it ? "
30 And if he had , what did he hope to gain by having her ‘ eating out of his hand ’ ?
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