Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] corner " in BNC.

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1 Erm got the corner
2 Instead they fought the corner for multi-racial sport by taking themselves off to Zwide , a township near Port Elizabeth ( see pages 38 and 39 ) , where they held a coaching clinic for black and coloured youngsters .
3 She stopped to catch a child by the hand and whisper some word which was rewarded with a kiss , then caught the corner of her veil to cover her already masked face as the chief driver came towards her for a quick answer to a query , always given and received after the words of greeting and queries as to health had been exchanged .
4 I had barely time to recognise the shaven and scarred head emerging from the heap of Bibles and screwed-up paper , when a quick movement caught the corner of my eye .
5 Matthew Wilder rose to his feet as they approached the corner table , and instead of shutting his eyes or turning away he scrutinised Lucy with interest .
6 She dabbed the corner of her eye with a black-edged handkerchief .
7 She took a white lace handkerchief out of her bag and dabbed a corner of it carefully at the corner of her eyes before the make-up ran .
8 Tilly was relieved at the sight which greeted her as she entered the bedroom ; a large bright room where the sunlight found every corner , and the furniture was regal .
9 He visited every corner of the country .
10 As he had done before , Van Gelder spread out a sheet — in the passageway , this time — threw some more armfuls of clothes on to it , secured the corners and hurried up on deck .
11 A small , sad smile lifted the corners of Vi 's mouth .
12 Despite the turmoil within her a small ironic smile lifted the corners of her mouth .
13 Her anguish must have penetrated his obvious antagonism as , standing back , he gazed down at her , the prepossessing lines of his face softening slightly as a reluctant smile lifted the corners of his mouth .
14 A slow , amused smile lifted the corners of Luke 's mouth .
15 He looked tanned and supple , and a little smile lifted the corners of his mouth .
16 Mum lifted the corner of the curtain and peeped out to see who it was .
17 He lifted the corner .
18 A smile lifted the corner of his mouth .
19 He really forced the issue there did n't he Lewis and caused the corner .
20 A faint smile twisted the corners of his mouth .
21 Léonie twisted the corner of her pillowcase into a tight spiral and chewed it .
22 Boxes of shoes and boots filled the corners of the room .
23 The shadow filled the corners of the broad bright hallway .
24 Then came the corner , the road bending round the walled compound of a Sheikh 's racing stables .
25 In 1909 D. W. Griffith directed A Corner in Wheat for the Biograph Company and the New York Dramatic Mirror announced to its readers that ‘ this picture is not a picture drama , although it is presented with dramatic force .
26 It permeated the stones and filled every corner with shadows .
27 Philip lifted a corner of the net curtain in the window .
28 There he lifted a corner of the curtain to peer out at the bright patches of daylight filtering through the trees .
29 She lifted a corner of the curtain first to make sure it was safe .
30 Preston sat there for a while stroking her and then , when he was sure that she was sleeping soundly , he crossed over to the window and lifted a corner of the curtain and peered cautiously out into the street .
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