Example sentences of "[coord] worked [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The temporary nature of her job , staying only a few weeks at any one place , meant she had met and worked for a wide variety of men .
2 Not just any large hospital either , but Coronation , the place where she had trained and worked for almost five years .
3 Laurence McGarry , chairman of Scottish Innovation , said : ‘ We have hoped and worked for this for many years and without the support and assistance from a whole range of people , it would not have happened .
4 People cease to be rational even when they 've known and worked with someone for the last ten years . ’
5 Working within this international world it is , of course , a great help if one speaks several languages , but my own experience has been that it is not the ability to speak another language , rare enough this essential tool of international business is amongst British people , but the experience of having lived and worked with people in another country which is the decisive factor .
6 Thorough as ever , Whitaker had already commissioned and worked on scripts by Bill Strutton and Glyn Jones , and penned one himself about the Crusades .
7 From the dawn of history , men have lived and worked in Strathnaver .
8 Kalchu , his face red from alcohol and anger , his breath coming in short shallow gasps , said that he 'd lived and worked in India for several years and that there he 'd been nothing .
9 Although I 've trained and worked in this area since 1982 I am having to learn a whole new dimension that is multi-cultural .
10 For the past sixteen years , he has lived and worked in New York and has battled daily with the American inability to understand the strange words and peculiar constructions which lace and buckle his Wexford brogue .
11 For three days , I waited by the hotel pool , watching young Nicaraguan girls practice the cha-cha for a beauty contest , with a media fixer named Paco who had lived and worked in Managua for ten years .
12 I do n't know whether Mr Rocke fell in love with the Yorkshire moors on a visit to Wakefield for that exhibition ; but for most of the years since that time he has lived and worked in Yorkshire as senior art adviser to the West Riding County Council .
13 It was run by Alfred Rozelaar Green who , having lived and worked in Paris before the war , wanted to imitate in London the French free academy system which offers an open house to anyone wishing to draw , paint or sculpt for as many or as few sessions as they wish .
14 Whereas at Hamilton Terrace Minton had lived and worked in a large , more or less empty room , with peeling wallpaper , bare floorboards and an overwhelming smell of turpentine , at Allen Street the house , except for his studio room , was carpeted throughout and furnished in a modern style .
15 But it also signals the end of an ancient rite rejoicing in human warmth and in the sun 's return.Susanna Rance has lived and worked in Bolivia for several years .
16 Susanna Rance has lived and worked in Bolivia for several years .
17 He has lived and worked in the town ever since .
18 Mr Ellis had lived and worked in New Zealand for about 18 months .
19 Zvornik , where Muslims and Serbs have lived and worked alongside each other for decades , is a microcosm of towns across the crumbling ethnic mosaic of Bosnia-Hercegovina .
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