Example sentences of "[coord] applied for " in BNC.

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1 The Revenue has confirmed that interest credited to the income account will constitute taxable income in the beneficiary 's hands ( either when it is credited in the case of a life tenant , or when it is paid or applied for the benefit of a discretionary beneficiary ) .
2 At least four other parties were recognized , or applied for recognition , in March and the first week of April .
3 A clause along the following lines could be inserted in the trust deed if it is intended that the same be effective for income tax purposes : No part of the capital , capitalised income , or income shall in any circumstances whatsoever be paid or lent to or applied for the benefit of the settlor or any spouse of the settlor for the time being .
4 Britain cancelled a 1960 no-visa agreement in June and imposed entry visas for all Turks after more than 1,500 Turks flew to Britain and applied for political asylum .
5 Recently a 17-year old refugee arrived in England with her three-year-old sister and applied for asylum .
6 She decided to brave it out and applied for permission from the Prefect of Police .
7 They announced plans for its complete redevelopment and applied for a certificate of immunity of listing .
8 Here then , amongst the Lugbara , we see a thoroughly moralistic creed , based upon and administered by ancestor spirits , and applied for and to the benefit of the village elders .
9 He went straight to the Passport Office and applied for another one-year renewal .
10 Baillie-Stewart had renounced his British citizenship before the war and applied for German naturalisation , a gesture which was to save his life in 1946 .
11 The plaintiffs , a borough council , brought proceedings under section 222 of the Local Government Act 1972 and applied for an interlocutory injunction to restrain the defendants from using shop premises of theirs for trade on Sundays in breach of section 47 of the Shops Act 1950 The defendants resisted the claim against them on the ground , inter alia , that section 47 was in conflict with article 30 of the E.E.C .
12 They came to Hammersmith in London and applied for accommodation as homeless persons .
13 He went down to the farm and applied for the job .
14 A member of a local branch of the union claimed that this could be viewed as a ‘ rolled up ’ ballot question , and applied for the Commissioner 's assistance .
15 Anti-lactoferrin positive patient sera ( as judged by ELISA ) were diluted 1:20 or 1:200 in PBS-Tween with 1% bovine serum albumin , and applied for 1 hour .
16 Leith only just managed to stop her jaw from dropping at the astuteness of the man when he continued , ‘ Having left Ardis and applied for a job here , you then made a conscious decision to dress down your looks and conceal your figure , though not because of any sexual hang-up ?
17 She 'd heard of an opening for a showroom model at one of the better fashion houses on the Via Monte-napoleone ; despite the agency 's insistence on scouting all jobs itself , she had gone around to the house and applied for the position herself , listing International Models as representing her .
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