Example sentences of "[coord] down the " in BNC.

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1 FROM WHICHEVER direction you approach Mothecombe , whether along the winding wooded valley beside the ever widening River Erme , or down the road from Battisborough Cross and through the clumps of hydrangeas , or by sea around Butcher 's Cove to its sandy bay and up the secret combe strewn with bluebells and daffodils , the first sight of it takes your breath away .
2 In peacetime the place would be crowded with skiers on their way up or down the mountain .
3 Do not attempt to carry something up or down the stairs that is heavy , awkward , or restricts your vision , so that you can not see where you are placing your feet .
4 Th erm the amount of oil that people just tip on the ground , or down the drains or whatever
5 If you are planning to run the new cables temporarily on the surface up or down the walls , simply clip them in place with cable clips , or run them in slimline plastic minitrunking stuck to the wall surface .
6 For flush wiring , mark out the route of the cable up or down the wall , and use a club hammer and brick bolster to cut it out to a depth of a bout 18mm ( ¾″ ) .
7 Most of the violence happens in long shot , just like you were looking out your window or down the street . ’
8 Or down the scale again , the husband could be paying twenty five percent and the wife twenty percent , and they could switch investments between the two .
9 Incandescent strip lights ( as opposed to fluorescent tubes ) are good for concealed lighting behind pelmets or baffles , or down the sides of cupboards .
10 Mount them on or recess them into a ceiling or down the side of a wall .
11 If her hip and knee and ankle are as badly damaged as I hope — I mean as they could be — she 'll be unable to take herself up or down the stairs .
12 So , if anybody saw me on the morning after , either hobbling up or down the stairs in St Swithin 's or leaping up and down ( very slowly ) , with an ‘ ooh , ah ’ , accompanied by much frantic rubbing of calf muscles , you know why .
13 ’ Most of these shoplifters work their way up or down the road so by warning all the shops in the area , we know who to keep an eye on .
14 We er have n't er certainly been through or down the road of looking at whether there are sites within our district that that could accommodate that , that exercise is still to be done .
15 And flying up and down the stairs full of gin and nooky — no wonder she tripped and crashed all the way down . ’
16 He led Bill firmly to the baize door and down the stairs , never once looking back to see if he was being followed .
17 Two days ago when they had carted out Menzies the minister and Fleming the young teacher from along the road at Dull and danced round them like children at a Halloween fire and stuck them up on horses , facing backwards , and paraded them past the door and down the road to Aberfeldy , he had flung a soft carrot himself and caught the man on the side of his face .
18 I put the phone down with a frown , grabbed my books , bag and coat , raced through the door and down the street and reached the bus stop breathless .
19 I remember as a young man walking up and down the main street of the 1951 South Bank Exhibition for the sheer pleasure of it , and thinking how marvellous it would be if every town could have a street like this .
20 I got into the seat next to him and he quickly drove off , heading out of the village and down the road towards the Orne bridges , leaving a cloud of dust following close behind , no doubt attracting the attention of the German gunners and mortars a short distance away across the fields .
21 While the equipment is being set up people come in from their work outside and visitors start arriving from up and down the Whanganui river .
22 And finally Rachel swept them from the kitchen and down the stairs , chatting amiably as she went .
23 ‘ They seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely , making a lot of noise , rushing dramatically up and down the stairs , spraying the fire-hoses everywhere , and throwing the occasional bottle or glass at the other side . ’
24 Clearly , all flats located in the northern part of the building enjoy views both up and down the river , because the building is located in a concave curve of the Thames .
25 Most of the hour Richard spent pacing up and down the corridor , stopping at windows to look out between the buildings at bare trees and transparent hedges .
26 ( When this portrait is removed , apparently , which it was once , early in this century , the ghost of Webb gallops noisily up and down the stairs . )
27 Others die from collisions with vessels travelling up and down the river , and from explosions carried out during river bank construction .
28 ‘ Well , I 'm sick of heaving trays up and down the stairs .
29 Dot managed to wriggle past and down the stairs , and there in the basement room sat the man in the drab , illfitting , demob suit .
30 His hand reached out , feeling up and down the wall for the light switch .
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