Example sentences of "[coord] less [conj] " in BNC.

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1 No element , he typed ( as Harsnet had written ) should ever pretend to be more or less than itself .
2 If your income is the same as or less than your applicable amount , you will receive maximum community charge benefit of 80% .
3 Leo McKern has some fun answering frequent calls of nature and waving a huge condom around , but he 's doing no more or less than passing the time until the phoney climax of the First Act curtain , by which time you 're aware that as a play Boswell is a fraud .
4 Impressive as it is , however , Dame Edna 's show is no more or less than a star vehicle .
5 ‘ The effects of nuclear war vary greatly ’ , he asserted , ‘ Do you survive with half or less than half your population and productive capacity ?
6 Or did the church actively create the canon in response to Marcion and other sectarian leaders whose ‘ inspired ’ writings were either more or less than the church accepted ?
7 It is a typical Karajan project because in one respect it is enormously sophisticated — the technology is elaborate , expensive , and bang up to date — and in another it is very simple , inasmuch as its ultimate aim is nothing more or less than the lucid presentation of the music .
8 There are occasions when you get an odd fish that weighs a couple of pounds more or less than the average on that day , but to expect this to happen is foolhardy .
9 But it is possible that more or less than this number may develop .
10 With a company which can make use of new technology , jobs are certainly put at risk by resisting , or less than enthusiastically supporting , new technology .
11 Around 65% of people with meters found they were paying the same as or less than they did under the old system .
12 The commissions are to strive to ensure that no constituency varies from this quota by more or less than a quarter of it .
13 What is mandatory is nothing more or less than what Parliament requires as a precondition of according to such instruments the force of law .
14 But of course the writer 's assumptions may be mistaken : the reader may know more or less than has been assumed , in which case the negotiation will falter .
15 However , whereas GEC/Siemens had originally proposed that their joint bid would result in a series of joint ventures between them , it became increasingly clear subsequently that the bid was , according to Sir John Clark , Plessey 's Chairman , ‘ no more or less than a simple old-fashioned attempt to carve up one of the leading British electronics companies ’ between GEC and Siemens ' .
16 This should arguably supply a greater surface for bacteria than gravel — internal and external as the media is porous — and wo n't cost a great deal more or less than gravel .
17 I do keep an eye on my colour changer to make sure that it is picking up each colour as it should and I am also very careful to check that I have no ‘ lazy ’ or less than perfect needles as picking up dropped stitches is not a pleasant job .
18 Friction between various groups of workers can arise if the expatriates earn more or less than local staff or if expatriates in one country receive more favourable salaries or tax treatment than those in other countries .
19 At distances greater or less than this , accuracy decreases .
20 Moreover , the effect is perpetuated as each birth cohort advances up the age scale , especially if its mortality rate is greater or less than that of previous cohorts .
21 To jump out of the way a model must roll equal to or less than its initiative value on a D6 .
23 Thus investment spending by firms may be greater or less than the volume of saving , government spending may be greater or less than tax receipts , and exports may be greater or less than imports , but it must be the case that a deficit or surplus in one sector is exactly offset in one or more of the other sectors .
24 Thus investment spending by firms may be greater or less than the volume of saving , government spending may be greater or less than tax receipts , and exports may be greater or less than imports , but it must be the case that a deficit or surplus in one sector is exactly offset in one or more of the other sectors .
25 Thus investment spending by firms may be greater or less than the volume of saving , government spending may be greater or less than tax receipts , and exports may be greater or less than imports , but it must be the case that a deficit or surplus in one sector is exactly offset in one or more of the other sectors .
26 Throughout the history of Western philosophy women have been thought inferior or less than fully human , though some philosophers , like Kant and Rousseau , have found them charming and necessary to men 's well-being , as long as they keep in their place .
27 Despite the two-child family becoming the average this century , most women married since 1930 have not had two children : three-quarters had at least one child more or less than the average .
28 Their games are , in fact , nothing more or less than a rehearsal prior to the performance of the activities which are the serious business of all the members of the Gikuyu tribe .
29 When asked to make one of two equal piles of pennies tiv , after having made one pile more or less than the other , three-to five-year-olds will do one of several things .
30 No doubt any one meeting was attended by half or less than half of the citizens .
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