Example sentences of "[coord] felt a " in BNC.

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1 Mueller never turned a hair , or felt a twinge of remorse .
2 He taught once a week in the primary school and felt a failure at it .
3 She rang the doorbell , listened to the silence within and felt a moment of panic .
4 ‘ I 'm a gardener , ’ Phoebe said , and felt a simple pride in the fact .
5 Then we both had a good cry together , and felt a lot better after a good strong cup of tea .
6 While Charles listened to all this good advice , he drank up his glass of champagne and felt a bit better .
7 Wilson saw the doubt in her eyes and the droop of her body and felt a shiver pass through her own .
8 And he looked away at the crowd so near to him and felt a stab of real fear .
9 She went to shooting practice and scored three bullseyes in succession and felt a lot better .
10 I culled the German newspapers for new words and idioms and felt a little smug for having done ‘ something useful ’ .
11 I looked and felt a walking cadaver .
12 Carefully Sally moved against it and felt a sort of yearning begin in the sensitised area between her thighs .
13 Kelly shook Jack 's hand and felt a shiver of excitement run through her body as they touched .
14 Most of the minority who were suddenly faced with ‘ pecuniary embarrassment ’ would have taken fright and felt a sense of failure , if not disgrace — sometimes needlessly , and for the most part would not have displayed it openly .
15 He saw the moving mouth of the man so nearly dead ; the stain on the waistcoat , and felt a strengthening of the foreboding that had never left him .
16 That same night , Avril rolled over in bed and felt a lump in her breast .
17 Edouard looked at him , and felt a sickening dismay .
18 He looked at Pauline Simonescu , and felt a great and total relief , as if a burden of enormous weight had been lifted from his shoulders .
19 He thought : He has acquired the mystique of the story-teller and , glancing at the ring of fire-lit and intent faces , he was suddenly reminded of his first village school , of the children clustered round Miss Douglas at three o'clock on a Friday afternoon for the half hour of story-time , and felt a pang of pain and regret for those lost days of innocence and love .
20 By comparison , on Gibson 's Flying V guitar , the bridge pickup has to sit rather high because of the effect the tune-o-matic bridge has in raising the height of the strings above the body , which I 've always thought looked and felt a little clumsy .
21 I threw myself flat and heard a ‘ whompf ’ and felt a mild warm blast of air .
22 I wiped my eyes and felt a bit better , knowing that Granny was taking my message with her to heaven .
23 She read the first two pages and felt a blush rise from her palpitating bosom up her neck to suffuse her face .
24 He always thanked anyone who did , she noticed , and felt a return of the respect he had inspired in her at their first meeting .
25 She saw the Perks flinch and blink , and felt a certain vengeful delight .
26 ‘ Is your father at home ? ’ she asked and felt a sinking disappointment when Ben shook his head .
27 She could sense his eyes on her and felt a sudden bashfulness .
28 Danny looked into the blazing grey eyes of his friend and felt a sudden urge to throw his arms around him .
29 George drove past and felt a terrible anger replace his elation .
30 She watched her mother and daughter talking together and felt a deep hurt , as if she had somehow been the cause of it all .
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