Example sentences of "[coord] our minds " in BNC.

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1 Following right action : acting only from our true feelings , not governed by the distortions of emotion , also taking care of our bodies and not polluting them or our minds — read the section on Listening Within ( pp. 58–64 ) .
2 Between now and next Pack Meeting shall we all keep our eyes open and our minds alert for a place ? ’
3 We in the West try to keep the spiritual and the material together and our minds are confused and jumbled ; the mundane distracting us from the spiritual , and the spiritual distracting us from the mundane .
4 And our minds are heavily conditioned and circumscribed by habit , by what we have been taught to think , and by subconscious emotion , human weakness and social environment or circumstance .
5 I 'm celebrating my independence , my intelligence — let's have pride and take care of our bodies and our minds and our health . ’
6 Our bodies are elements in this infinite physical system and our minds are elements in the all-comprehensive mind , and thus aspects of one and the same individual fragment of the total divine reality .
7 we 'd never , like I mean , I can remember in Plymouth dad saying when we get there , erm we 'll buy a television , we 'll have a television and we did n't know what he was talking about and he said it 's a wireless with pictures , you know , and our minds were boggling we just could n't understand it , and then of course that was another bit of bribery got us to come .
8 All our neighbours and friends had come to see us off and our minds were a turmoil of conflicting emotions , glad to be going home , but sad about friends and places we were leaving .
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