Example sentences of "[coord] my feeling " in BNC.

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1 ’ And two days later : ‘ Along — my thoughts of us clarify , and my feelings distil themselves , and I realize that you 're doing what you must do and it was probably best for me .
2 I felt totally drawn into the piece as I recognised struggled I 've had with my own mother and my feelings of shame , and fear , talking about sex — the terrible silence that develops which no one attempts to break down for fear of the pain ‘ that ‘ conversation would bring ’ .
3 We three travelled up in the lift of the Hotel Vancouver together and perhaps just to make conversation I mentioned my trip to the Haida reservation and my feelings about the neglect of our Indians .
4 And my feelings are telling me that we 've all been wrong about what I want to do .
5 Sub-text : ‘ I matter so much and my feelings are so important that you are able to read my mind . ’
6 BELVILLE : [ aside ] The bewitching girl every day rose in her charms upon me and I could not help entertaining a jealousy that she was writing to somebody who stood well in her opinion , and my feelings for her made it a sweetheart , of course .
7 ‘ I have a feeling , ’ said Lydia , ‘ and my feelings are not to be lightly disregarded . ’
8 In the belief that it was time a woman was honest about the experience , my paintings try to convey the sensation of giving birth and my feelings at the time .
9 And my feelings are not changeable like yours .
10 Now I think what erm and my feelings on this er are very much er similar to Mr Donson 's and I 'm grateful for the calculation he has done for us all .
11 Despite an unhappy ending , ‘ The Disappearance ’ contains a lot of energy which made me come away from the book feeling hopeful and while I learnt more about the characters , I also found I learnt more about myself and my feelings towards family life and friends .
12 No I could n't I mean , and these people are Jehovah Witnesses who sold me this house and my feelings about the commercial probity of Jehovah Witnesses are that they have n't any commercial probity .
13 I can understand the designers ' reasoning , in that the knobs for the front pickup are to the front , and so on , but consciously or subconsciously , guitarists work from the selector switch , and my feeling is that that should point towards the pickup controls currently in use .
14 His saying something he totally meant , and my feeling it .
15 I know a local primary school that does n't have a P T A at the moment , and my feeling is that in fact the head teacher in particular is terrified of the , the pressures that would be put on her if in fact the P T A was formed .
16 We have information that the Dutch are planning trouble with the English , and my feeling is that erm that erm amount of Dutch supporters that could cause trouble will not be very high .
17 At first glance her remark seems true enough , but my feelings were quite the opposite .
18 ‘ That is as maybe — but my feelings for him are not sisterly , I promise you .
19 But my feelings are different , if I may state them .
20 ‘ I must admit at that time I had little sympathy for the victims , having heard gruesome evidence at court , but my feelings have now changed .
21 We can try all sorts of techniques to get in touch with the hinterland of your psyche but my feeling is that , unless you yourself are prepared to voyage there , it will prove impossible to extirpate this negative cathexis .
22 But my feeling is that someone has had their hands in the till .
23 Interest is hard to sustain , but my feeling was as much of interest as terror .
24 Certain individuals did — I do n't want you to think that nobody took it seriously , but my feeling was that in the school there was no great sort of feeling that there was something important going on during the self-appraisal .
25 But my feeling is that the winds of change are blowing through this club and that the old guard 's days are numbered . ’
26 But my feeling is that we have to pick our best possible squad to win Tests — and that 's something which I believe even more after this tour . ’
27 But my feeling is that the sort of run-of-the-mill , solid English composer , I say solid — they are not actually solid — but I mean the Harrison Birtwhistles , the Maxwell Davises of this world are some of the most interesting people in the world at the moment .
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