Example sentences of "[coord] on oct. " in BNC.

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1 On Aug. 4 , 1989 , the Karnataka High Court upheld the constitutional validity of the imposition in April of President 's rule in the state [ see p. 36591 ] , and on Oct. 12 the Lok Sabha approved its extension for a further six months from Oct. 21 .
2 The all-party talks on Oct. 12 proved inconclusive , and on Oct. 29 the SLFP withdrew its support for such talks , claiming that it had lost confidence in the government 's will to solve the country 's problems and that none of the opposition proposals had been put into effect .
3 The Iranian President , Hojatolislam Hashemi Ali Akbar Rafsanjani , had on Sept. 17 threatened that Iran would " make ( Iraq ) retreat by force " if necessary from Iranian territory , and on Oct. 22 further signs of exasperation with the pace of the peace process were voiced by Vellayati , who warned in a newspaper interview that " if the current trend continues , it is not clear whether we will make any tangible progress in the future " .
4 Demonstrations against a military amnesty took place in Buenos Aires on Sept. 8 [ see p. 36973 ] and on Oct. 20 , involving human rights organizations , trade unions , left-wing parties , members of the UCR and some elements of the Justicialist Party .
5 The latter proposed an 18-point austerity plan but this was rejected by the council , and on Oct. 2 some 5,000 municipal workers went on strike in protest at the non-payment of their salaries .
6 On Oct. 9 the government refused a US extradition request for Salomom Shourter Benitez , and on Oct. 19 Gonzalo de Jesus Rincon Perez was the first drug trafficker wanted in the USA to surrender under these conditions .
7 Following announcement of the settlement , the government admitted that it had blundered in its handling of the affair , and on Oct. 30 Antall went so far as to suggest to parliament that he should resign ( no formal resignation offer was made , however ) .
8 However , in August the West German federal cartel office blocked plans by Lufthansa to acquire control of passenger and freight services at Schönefeld airport and on Oct. 16 Lufthansa announced that it would drop the bid .
9 The arrest of Advani and of hundreds of thousands of others in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh did little to halt the movement of Hindus to Ayodhya and on Oct. 30 thousands of militants gathered at the disputed site .
10 In October the European Communities had ended its ban on high-level diplomatic contacts [ see p. 37783 ] and on Oct. 30 the German Bundestag voted to reinstate development aid .
11 He subsequently withdrew this admission , and on Oct. 29 he denied the persisting reports of his involvement .
12 On Oct. 19 a group of lawyers formed the CNID , and on Oct. 25 a group of eminent Malians who had sent an open letter to Traoré in August , urging him to introduce reforms , set up the ADEMA .
13 On Nov. 29 , 1987 , ANAP was returned to power with an overwhelming majority , and on Oct. 31 , 1989 , Özal was elected by the Grand National Assembly to succeed Evren as President , taking office on Nov. 9 .
14 The same day , attacks began against towns on the Croatian Adriatic coast and on Oct. 3 the Yugoslav navy began a blockade of seven Croatian ports — Dubrovnik , Pula , Rujeka , Sebenik , Split , Zadar and Ploce .
15 On Oct. 17 , Vukovar came under heavy attack , and on Oct. 20 a relief convoy organized by Médecins sans Frontières evacuated 109 wounded from the city .
16 The Serbian blockade of ports from Oct. 3 reportedly created severe shortages of water and electricity in Dubrovnik , and on Oct. 28 it was reported that a four-day-old ceasefire agreed between the JNA and Dubrovnik city officials had broken down , the JNA having issued an ultimatum for all weapons in the city to be surrendered on Oct. 26 .
17 However , the ceasefire of Oct. 8 was already reported to have been breached , and on Oct. 11 the Serbian-dominated rump Collective State Presidency [ see below ] rejected the EC agreement .
18 China had formed a Leading Group on Intellectual Property , headed by State Councillor Song Jian , and on Oct. 20 , the China Daily reported that China would join the Berne Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention before the end of 1992 [ see also pp. 38339-40 ] .
19 On Oct. 17 the government had approved the sale of 101 state companies , and on Oct. 21 it endorsed the privatization of a further 24 state-owned industrial enterprises .
20 Subsequently , however , under pressure from more radical mujaheddin groups , Mujjaddedi withdrew his support for Soviet-mujaheddin talks , and on Oct. 28 the Bakhtar Information Agency in Kabul announced that Borhanuddin Rabani , rather than Mujadedi , was to head a delegation of Afghan opposition groups to Moscow at the end of October or beginning of November .
21 On Oct. 9 the Supreme Soviet adopted a declaration describing the events of September and October as " an attempted coup " and on Oct. 22 nine members of the opposition National Democratic Party of Georgia were arrested .
22 The Ukrainian Supreme Soviet discussed Prime Minister Vitold Fokin 's programme for economic reform on Oct. 24 , and on Oct. 25 approved it by 284 to 39 votes after a heated debate , during which there were calls for Fokin 's resignation .
23 A fire at Block 2 of the Chernobyl nuclear power station on Oct. 11 was brought under control within four hours and no radiation occurred , but the block was shut down , and on Oct. 30 the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet took the decision to shut down Blocks 1 and 3 by 1993 — two years ahead of schedule .
24 On Oct. 25 Genscher met the Russian Foreign Minister , Andrei Kozyrev , and on Oct. 26 President Gorbachev and the Soviet Foreign Minister , Boris Pankin .
25 On Oct. 11 eight retaliatory bombing raids were made against targets up to 11 km inside Iraq , and on Oct. 12 up to 3,000 Turkish troops crossed the border .
26 A team of ballistic missiles experts headed by Douglas Englund , who had earlier been forced to abandon their mission [ see p. 38451 ] , arrived on Oct. 1 following the government 's approval of helicopter flights , and on Oct. 8 Englund announced that UN inspectors had completed the destruction of Iraq 's first " super-gun " [ see pp. 37332 ; 37390-91 ; 37471 ; 38361 ] as part of a programme to supervise the demolition of 28 declared Iraqi missile launch sites .
27 There were two sets of executions of those convicted of drug trafficking and armed banditry in the north-east city of Mashad in early October and on Oct. 14 , and in Zahedan on Oct. 1 .
28 During the NATO summit in Rome [ see pp. 38600-01 ] Romania had made known its willingness to co-operate with NATO , and on Oct. 30 had announced the renegotiation of its friendship treaty with the Soviet Union .
29 The crime rate was reported on July 6 , 1990 , to have risen by 11.9 per cent over the previous year , and on Oct. 25 , 1991 , to have risen by 10.9 per cent in the first nine months of 1991 over the same period in 1990 .
30 The Constitution was revoked and on Oct. 6 he declared the Republic of Fiji .
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