Example sentences of "[coord] for once " in BNC.

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1 The dream drifted away , and for once she had pen and paper , made a cigarette and wrote until the alarm went off .
2 Its brief revival was sparked by Dziekanowski who fed Tarasiewicz and for once a long shot had Shilton in trouble .
3 We had decided this part would be tough , and for once we were right .
4 I stayed there for a week in January and for once I found myself in the overworked brochure cliche : Marrakech is a city of contrasts and a fascinating blend of the old and new .
5 Mrs Parvis gave Gloria a pat on the shoulder and for once seemed almost friendly .
6 Again , she did not sleep and for once was glad when Mr Landor called out , cursing the heat and wanting cold , cold water at once — even seeing to the old man 's wants was preferable to lying awake worrying .
7 The quay was deserted ; soon the Black Pig was floating out on the falling tide , and for once as they hoisted the mainsail the crew were well pleased to be going back to sea .
8 He looked totally vulnerable , and for once far younger than his years .
9 So I said , and for once L. ( Leonard ) said : ‘ You 're not such a fool as you seem ’ .
10 All week long , the Hollywood gossip about this case was of drugs , mysticism and off-beat sex , and for once there may be more truth than fantasy in the flashy talk of the town . ’
11 And on a good night the stars would seem to brighten ; if you looked up it was like a clear winter 's night in the city , one of those nights when you find yourself on a dark street , one without streetlamps , and for once you can see that the stars have different colours ; they are like still fireworks .
12 ‘ Pure Trance And Techno ’ is the catch-line here and for once it 's roughly right .
13 Putting Clairmont at the centre casts a slightly different light on familiar figures : Byron seems more brutal , Mary Shelley more querulous , Percy Shelley more responsible ; and for once , her mother gets a decent mention .
14 To be happy and settled in a winning province is therefore very important to the top players and for once this may count more than attractive job offers and other benefits .
15 The streets and bars were deserted , and for once the incessant noise and bustle had abated .
16 I glanced up at Granny 's picture and for once she seemed to be smiling .
17 And for once , the troubled premier is on to a winner .
18 She grinned , and for once took one of my cigarettes .
19 And for once it 's Q , not Bond , who gets the girl .
20 And for once everyone is falling over themselves to take the Corgis for walkies to out of the way places .
21 Of course , we all thought some terrible crime had been discovered , but along we went , and for once he was looking really quite genial .
22 ‘ I d-do n't know , Sir , ’ Lexandro stuttered ; and for once the title of Sir came sincerely to his lips .
23 ‘ If rhythm 's a drug I 'm hooked on you/Show me every move/We 've got perfect motion ’ — just like Madonna or Betty Boo at their best , this is pure and damn-near perfect pop , and for once it 's even better in the flesh .
24 He looked at her and for once he was n't smiling ; the mischief had drained out of him .
25 ‘ It 's perfect , ’ the woman had said ; and for once a shop assistant had said no more than the truth .
26 Within three overs Gooch had his century , his first against Pakistan , 17th in all , ninth in his 27 Tests as England captain , and for once he bore little resemblance to lonely General Gordon , whose last stand is immortalised by George Joy in Leeds Art Gallery .
27 So too would the much-hyped and for once apparently sober hardcore outfit LMS , who failed to deliver on the promise of an anarchic stage act .
28 And for once this year , Littlewoods ' results will be most keenly awaited not just by its rivals but by the financial community at large .
29 Now it had come and for once she was tongue-tied .
30 And for once , I could feel I really deserved him
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