Example sentences of "[coord] i shall " in BNC.

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1 Or I sha n't ever eat it no more , no more .
2 ‘ I 'd better hurry , or I sha n't be ready when David comes . ’
3 ‘ Just tell them lunatics o' yours to lay off or I shall 'ave to bring in the heavy mob .
4 Well I have to go now or I shall be roped in for the sacrifice and I do n't like getting my hands dirty .
5 But I must have a bath and get up , or I shall be late for work . ’
6 I must get out of here or I shall say other things .
7 This letter simply must go tonight , and I ca n't go right down to the G.P.O. or I shall be late for my appointment . ’
8 When Michael knew he had cancer , he said , ‘ One of three things will happen ; I shall get better , I shall have some remission , or I shall die , and whichever it is , we 're not going to make a tragedy of it . ’
9 Bransby Cooper says that ‘ I have sometimes suffered from the Professor 's love of cold air ; for if ever he could manage at his parties to have a window left open unperceived , he was delighted ; and many a time when I have dined with him I have said ‘ Pray , Mr Coleman , have your ventilators shut or I shall be blown out of the room ’ , at which he laughed and had the direction of the current changed by stealth so as to apply the breeze upon some other visitor less sensitive than myself' .
10 However , it 's got to come out now , or I shall explode .
11 Drops of condensed water fell on to her head from the ceiling and she thought , I must leave soon or I shall melt into the atmosphere .
12 ‘ Do n't pad , Philippa , or I shall think that you do n't believe me . ’
13 You must leave immediately , or I shall write to Madame Cannabich .
14 Come , or I shall be late . ’
15 As she struggled into her clothes , she could hear Nicky softly singing ‘ Constance , Constance , talk to me , my Constance , or I shall end my life ! ’ as if he were an opera singer .
16 The you walk down one street , and you say , ‘ Well I had better get back to my bearings , or I shall lose myself and you go back to the town hall .
17 ‘ Give me sons or I shall die , ’ said Leah to Jacob ( Genesis 30 : 6 ) , expressing the anguish suffered by many people on learning they may not be able to have children .
18 Accordingly I expect that either I shall find Bill at home drunk or I shall find him at home sober .
19 So , please , Mr. Browning — less of the vitriol , or I shall have to ask the chairman of the academy to impose the Ultimate Sanction of a Humiliation Notice in The Times !
20 Give me a drop of water , only a drop , or I shall surely die . "
21 Give me a drop of water , only a drop , or I shall die . "
22 Give me a drop , only a drop , or I shall surely die ! "
23 ‘ If you see me drinking too much , ’ she said to Beuno , ‘ you must tie up my throat like a cormorant , or I shall start speaking wildly . ’
24 ‘ I shall kill you , ’ Jotan said , ‘ or I shall give my sword to this gentleman whom you were hired to kill , and he will do it . ’
25 And I had better not think like that , said Fenella silently , or I shall be too afraid to go any nearer .
26 When he remained , unmoving , she said again : ‘ Please go … or I shall . ’
27 ‘ You must give me an answer or I shall have to leave the house .
28 " You tell me how to get to the seneschal 's office , " Quiss said evenly , " or I shall boil you alive , understand ? "
29 Or I shall drag you both down with me . ’
30 ‘ Promise me , or I shall have no peace . ’
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