Example sentences of "[coord] have begun " in BNC.

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1 When a pet cat has started scratching the fabric of a valuable chair , for example , or has begun to make messes on an expensive carpet , it would be helpful to be able to sprinkle or smear some hated odour there to keep the animal away .
2 He hopes to be fit to defend his Masters title at the end of next month and has begun light training .
3 Racism seems to have become one of the most dangerous and distinctive aspects of contemporary football violence in comparison to earlier forms of juvenile disorder and has begun to spread to cricket too .
4 Nevertheless , she still wants to be a teacher , and has begun to develop more social confidence through her work as a tutor .
5 Kokusai Denshin Denwa Co Ltd has resumed its international phone service to Iraq , discontinued since the Gulf War : the company has also added calling line identification facilities to its international ISDN links with British Telecommunications Plc and has begun offering its Auto-credit service in Holland and Sweden , which enables its subscribers to make calls to Japan and charge them to their credit cards .
6 Whereas Nigeria followed the classic pattern of building large plants with the latest equipment , and then suffering from overcapacity , Togo has been operating a mini-mill profitably for some years and has begun to export to neighbouring countries , even those with large , underused plants of their own .
7 For example , in Indonesia LASMO is sponsoring a land rehabilitation scheme involving a number of villages ; in Colombia , LASMO is actively involved in the construction of schools and providing financial assistance for the supply of educational material and scholarships and has begun work on a Small Business Development programme to generate economic activity and assist local communities to become increasingly self sufficient ; and in Scotland a LASMO Arts Trust has been set up to provide cash awards for promising musical students .
8 Work continues on listing the Crawford papers , and has begun on the additional Sutherland papers .
9 If you can imagine population growth as a rocket , then it passed the peak of its upward trajectory in 1970 and has begun to fall back down again .
10 Siward has called in his levies and has begun to march north . ’
11 Given the commonality of objectives with EFAH and encouraged by the Commission , HCIMA has accepted a place on the Board of Governors of the Foundation and has begun work on the development of a pan-European accreditation system .
12 For large systems , as a rule , a part of the required information on the behaviour of system environment becomes available only after the system has been constructed and has begun to operate .
13 This speech has now completely turned the play around and has begun to lead on to the tragedy at the end of it , Brutus , the nobleman 's , death .
14 The Royal National Institute for the Blind says squash and badminton are the main culprits for eye casualties , and has begun the campaign of safe play as part of their eye safety year .
15 In an instant he had vaulted over the side of their car and had begun swinging himself along towards the head of the train and the car occupied by Lord Woodleigh and Jilly Jonathan .
16 Now that they knew he would be leaving , the literary confraternity had already started to turn their backs on him , and had begun to scan the possible replacements in the current British intellectual mafia .
17 However months later he was able to start talking about his wife and the fact that they had not been getting on for some time and had begun divorce proceedings .
18 When her husband tried to reason with her she refused to accept what he was saying , and had begun to suspect that he was involved in some way ( in the bugging ) .
19 She was menopausal and had begun hot flashes 18mths previously and took Dixarit .
20 I indicated a possible line of enquiry that would have been much more fruitful had he pursued it more vigorously and had begun to examine the role of fixed capital in the cyclical process .
21 The Commission so stirred the Poles , that while it had initially been possible for them to buy up Polish estates for German settlement , by 1898 , when the Prussian Landtag voted an additional 100 million marks for the Commission 's use , the Poles had already begun to see the sale of land to the Commission as a crime against the nation and had begun to organise their own agricultural co-operatives and credit unions .
22 Zak was nodding his mop of curls beside me and had begun snapping his fingers rather fast .
23 Horne retired in 1911 , the last serving member of the team which had mapped the south of Scotland and had begun on the Highlands .
24 He had led the team that developed the Soviet Union 's atomic bomb and had begun seeking peaceful applications of nuclear power .
25 She had felt most wonderfully the power surging up behind her eyes gushing like a warm fluid inside her skull , and her eyes had become scorching hot , hotter than ever before , and things had come bursting out of her eye-sockets and then the piece of chalk had lifted itself up and had begun to write .
26 In the very short space of ten seasons Mains played a hundred games for Otago and had begun a steady succession of matches in All Black trials .
27 During Edward 's short reign , England had grown much closer to continental Protestantism and had begun to embrace the nascent Protestant internationalism being fostered by Calvin at Geneva .
28 But by midday they had taken most of it and had begun to dig in .
29 Carrie and Nick would have escaped from the house if they could but it was bitterly cold and had begun to snow heavily .
30 After it hatched and had begun to feed , its body cells divided no more .
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