Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] held " in BNC.

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1 The cases do suggest , however , that where a director does possess a relevant expertise he should be judged by the standards of a competent practitioner of it , presumably on the ground that he has expressly or impliedly held himself out as being appropriately qualified .
2 At the time of his death Kaysone was state President and president of the ruling Lao People 's Revolutionary Party ( LPRP ) , and thereby held the two most powerful posts in Laos .
3 His arms he folded round her , and so held her for a moment passive ; then with a sudden sharp sigh she embraced him again , quivering , and lifted her mouth to him ravenously .
4 She took a couple of tentative steps but he reached out and swiftly held her by the shoulders .
5 Often I saw a clean-limbed beech , pale and slender , yet firm in its loftiness , that shook delicately arched branches at the top , and below held out an arm on which a form of schoolboys might have sat , — rising out of fine grass and printing its perfect outlines on the sky , — and I could fancy it enjoyed a life of pleasure that was health , beauty that was strength , thought that was repose .
6 She shot her arm out and tried to grab it from him , but his fingers closed firmly around her wrist and easily held her at bay .
7 She heard her father and Sara out , and meanwhile held the present in her closed hand .
8 Marx downed his glass in one gulp and absent-mindedly held it out for more .
9 Members of the Amalgamated Engineering Union voted for but Transport and General Workers ' staff have voted against and yesterday held another one-day strike .
10 Sharpe urged the black stallion on , but the footing under the rye was treacherous ; the soil was damp and still held the shape of the plough furrows , and the stallion could not match the Frenchman 's speed on the paved road .
11 It was difficult to look haughty and defiant when she knew exactly what a mess she looked and still held the memory of why she had got into this state .
12 He first became director of education , Tonga ( 1916–19 ) , and thereafter held professorships in Cape Town ( 1921–5 ) , Sydney ( 1926–31 ) , Chicago ( 1931–7 ) with Yenching University in China ( 1935 ) , and Oxford ( 1937–46 ) with a fellowship of All Souls College and a wartime secondment to Sao Paulo .
13 Aged 39 , he was raised to the Bench as Lord Boyle and later held the posts of Lord Justice Clerk and Lord Justice General .
14 After schooling in Sudbury , he was apprenticed as a compositor in London at fourteen , and later held three managerial posts with London printers .
15 He was Scottish , studied at Eton and Oxford , and later held a senior post in the Foreign Office .
16 He did the double six times and also held 599 catches .
17 Ingraham 's Cabinet had been sworn in on Aug. 24 in which Ingraham himself held the Finance and Planning portfolios and Orville Alton Turnquest was appointed Attorney General and also held the Justice and Foreign Affairs portfolios .
18 The CP won the seat from the NP with a majority of just over 3,000 votes and now held half the parliamentary seats of the Free State — an NP stronghold until 1989 .
19 His tone had changed and now held an inflexion that could almost have been mistaken for tenderness .
20 The pitiable Mr Pygling , who jerked through the little town with a stick — it turned out he had Parkinson 's disease — doffed his check cap to Jane and even held the door open for her when they ran into each other at a shop until she opened the house to the public ( having restored it sufficiently ) on Sundays .
21 Friday night , and tomorrow held the prospect of a trip to the Cotswolds to see a prospective client .
22 SCUNTHORPE , down to 10 men for more than an hour , equalised , forced extra time and then held out for a second replay .
23 Picking up the long gun , Doyle ran his finger along the barrel and then held it out to the Hare-woman .
24 Tammuz took a swig from a bottle and then held it out .
25 Calcutt , the son of a Home Counties chemist who won a Cambridge scholarship after a minor public school scholarship and then held down a successful practice at the Bar , has a common Great and Good pedigree .
26 Elgiva , like Terentia in the earlier play , is powerless : she is effectively sold by her mother and then held prisoner by men intent on raping her .
27 Primaflora took the kerchief and drew it over her cheeks and then held it taut , staring at the damp blotches .
28 Another hundred yards , and then held again at the Kingsclere-Burghfield Common crossing .
29 Wondering who had wrote it , Katherine turned the letter over in her hands , and then held it up to the light , looking for a watermark — anything which would indicate its origin .
30 And he got the pi and then held the pig and I never was at the actual killing but I know they did er Then they cut its throat you see ?
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