Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] early " in BNC.

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31 Investment in start-ups and in early stage developments has been particularly badly hit , down from £128m in 1990 to just £58m last year .
32 Eventually the Government realized this , and in early 1967 there was a banner headline in the Nationalist : ‘ people 's Efforts Make News ’ .
33 Christmases were wonderful and greatly looked forward to by us both , but they were also tiring , and in early January , when all danger of further jollity from New Year had receded , we took ourselves off for a couple of days .
34 On returning from Prague , Mozart had completed his last instrumental piece , the exquisitely melancholy Clarinet Concerto ( originally written for basset-horn ) , for his friend Anton Stadler , and in early November he wrote a short cantata , Kleine Freimaurer-Kantate , K.623 , for a Masonic meeting .
35 I wrote off to Time Out and in early February 1981 found myself surrounded by eight or nine other blind socialists discussing the formation of the Alternative Talking Newspapers Collective .
36 In the same year the English parliament agreed a ‘ Solemn League and Covenant ’ with the Presbyterian Scots Covenanters , and in early 1644 a Scottish army crossed into England to bring much needed military assistance to parliament 's northern forces .
37 Since opening in Cologne in 1986 , Kren 's arduously researched exhibitions have included ‘ Georges Rouault/George Baselitz : Dialectic in Prints ’ ; Brazilian Ex Votos ; Frederick Kiesler ; African Masks and Japanese Noh-Masks alongside drawings by American artists Feininger , Childs , Kwiatek , Ellis , Taylor and Ferro ; Thom Barth and Masks from Black Africa ; and in early 1992 , nineteen photographs of Picasso taken by Jean Cocteau in 1916 in conjunction with African Tribal Arts .
38 Scent and colour still run riot in the gardens and in early July this , and Ravello 's cathedral , become venues for a Wagner music festival .
39 It is quite common in southern texts of c. 1200 , such as Poema Morale and The Owl and the Nightingale , and in early East Midland/East Anglian texts such as Genesis and Exodus , King Horn , Havelok .
40 Hervey re-entered the king 's service in the last month of Henry III 's life and in early November 1272 was appointed a baron of the Exchequer .
41 Nationalists organized in " Citizens ' Committees " attempted to pre-empt the Estonian Supreme Soviet elections by holding at the end of February and in early March privately organized elections to a rival " Congress of Estonia " , intended as a revival of the parliament of the independent pre-war republic .
42 He had been awarded £3,000 in damages , and in early 1990 damages were also awarded in out-of-court settlements to 19 other prisoners involved in the 1983 breakout who had made similar claims .
43 An economic embargo had been established in late March , and in early May the government had attempted to increase the pressure by declaring a 50-mile " exclusion zone " around the island , from which all ships and aircraft would be prohibited .
44 Palestinian and Jordanian pressure for a summit had been mounting since April , and in early May Iraq announced that it would host the meeting .
45 Following the narrow victory of the Dominica Freedom Party ( DFP ) in the general election of May 28 [ see pp. 37448-49 ] , Eugenia Charles was sworn in for a third consecutive five-year term as Prime Minister and in early June announced sweeping changes to her Cabinet .
46 Despite President Suharto 's discouragement of such speculation [ see p. 36933 ] , the possibility of his retirement and the identity of his successor following the 1993 presidential elections remained a major topic of discussion in the latter part of 1989 and in early 1990 .
47 Towards the end of September Patil 's position was weakened when he suffered a stroke , and in early October his predicament worsened when Advani 's Rath Yatra [ see above ] incited serious communal rioting in Karnataka which resulted in up to 50 deaths .
48 A serious escalation in the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan at the end of April and in early May was accompanied by accusations from the Armenian leadership that the Soviet authorities were openly siding with the Azerbaijanis , as a reward for Azerbaijan 's decision the week before to be party to the new Union Treaty , and as punishment for Armenia 's independence drive .
49 The protests continued and in early April , in an effort to contain the mounting unrest , King Birendra dismissed the Prime Minister , Marich Man Singh Shrestha , and appointed in his place the moderate Lokendra Bahadur Chand .
50 A referendum on the Constitution , postponed in November and in early December , was scheduled for January 1992 , to be followed by local elections the same month , with legislative elections in March and presidential elections in May or June .
51 Other such incidents were reported on Feb. 29 at Pecinje in central Albania , where a youth and a policeman died , on Feb. 25 in Pogradec ( south-east of Tirana ) , where two people suffocated in a looting crowd which also attacked shops and a textile factory , and in early March at Louchnje .
52 Syrian forces control much of eastern and northern Lebanon , and since early 1987 have taken over responsibility for security in West Beirut .
53 And by early autumn , Mr Major was preparing for the worst — and yesterday he delivered it in a statement to the Commons .
54 One morning a man walked in clutching our details ; we showed him round , he professed great enthusiasm and by early evening we had sold .
55 Having been parliamentary commissioner for the army in Scotland in 1646 , he was reappointed to that post 3 May 1651 , and by early 1652 held the equivalent post in Ireland .
56 This appeal went unheard , and by early March 1392 he was being sought in Wales .
57 The weather will gradually improve and by early afternoon the sun will be shining practically everywhere .
58 STERLING wobbled yesterday as markets reacted to Monday 's news of a worsening trade deficit with the world outside Europe , and by early afternoon the pound had fallen 2.5 pfennigs to Dm2.4120 , only to rally and end the day at Dm2.4229 down just 1.35 pfennigs .
59 Not only are a majority of those retiring today fitter , more skilled and better off financially than any previous generation , but with early retirement increasingly becoming the norm , a great many of us can realistically look forward to 25 years or more of active life ahead .
60 But in early 1949 :
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