Example sentences of "[coord] [am/are] therefore " in BNC.

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1 Most of the other simulations of accidental stalling involve almost unrealistic handling of the aircraft , and are therefore not very convincing , although they may result in a rather more violent wing-drop .
2 Lunges will place more emphasis on the quadriceps and glutei , and are therefore excellent for women to raise sagging bottoms .
3 Their very excellence makes heavy demands on the time and energy of their teaching faculty , so people who stay long in such places rarely produce the books and articles commonly published by their counterparts in bigger universities , and are therefore often little known outside their own institutions .
4 They are , however , quite clear that the State and the apparatus of the State , especially law , are some of the tools of the dominant class , and are therefore primes examples of false consciousness .
5 Grundrisse consists of a series of notebooks which were never finally prepared for publication and are therefore somewhat untidy and unsystematic .
6 I certainly sell more red lentils than any other dried pulse , probably because they are the only variety that does not require soaking before cooking and are therefore the most convenient .
7 Vine fruits — that is , currants , sultanas and raisins — are full of invert sugars which are readily absorbed and assimilated by the body and are therefore a good supply of immediate energy .
8 Although fixed gill-nets may drown more tucuxi , they generally avoid shallow inshore areas , and are therefore rarely caught in the beach seines which are such a hazard for the boto .
9 Jane had forgotten that the French have no connection with India and are therefore unacquainted … .
10 Some are based upon the effects of seasonal change and are therefore directly related to the orbit of the earth about the sun , which provides us with a useful unit of time , the year .
11 They all can provide fuel in the diet and are therefore sources of energy .
12 Many of the sports we mentioned as being good for stamina also require you to stretch and swing and twist your limbs and torso and are therefore good for suppleness also .
13 Of course , merely artificial creations are unnatural and are therefore unjust ; but if there is indeed a common descent from Adam , and the world is a family grown demographically from him and his wife , there must be potential descent groups larger than nations which have no taint of artificiality .
14 Even today , most educated people could probably tell you something about Voltaire and Rousseau ; Candide and the Confessions still appear in popular editions , and are therefore read .
15 But this notion — that one set of activities is serious and therefore by implication another set must be non-serious — is a naive view , for it presupposes that first and second order experiences operate within the same frame and are therefore amenable to comparison .
16 Who are the migrants ? with regard to age , they are mostly young adults , who have fewer ties and are therefore more mobile and who are also more likely to be attracted by the ‘ pull ’ factors .
17 The remainder do not , and are therefore Rh negative .
18 These frequently need large amounts of earth moved , particularly the broader-based ridge terrace , and are therefore frequently built by terracers or graders .
19 Teachers constructing lists for students no doubt remember these books from their youth and are therefore more conscious of their failings and believe them to have been superseded by their own books and those of their colleagues .
20 The Staffordshire Blithe , whose lower reaches escaped the axe and are therefore witness to how exquisite a properly managed river can be , was picked out for special mention in the Journal of Agriculture for 1927 .
21 The recently developed one-piece steamers are much warmer and are therefore the best option .
22 Logically , these latter producers can claim that they contribute to the value of exports , and are therefore entitled to part of the proceeds .
23 The figures are calculated on an assumed growth rate of 10.75% and are therefore not guaranteed , as unit prices can fall as well as rise .
24 Both methods rely upon users recalling their library behaviour patterns , and are therefore likely to be inaccurate to some degree .
25 Many non-insulin-dependent subjects are overweight and are therefore likely to be hyperinsulinaemic as a result of insulin resistance .
26 Children who are alienated by parental rejection , disaffected by continuous and severe punishment , do not identify with their parents ' point of view when they are being disciplined , and are therefore less likely to agree with the criticism being made and less liable to ‘ internalize ’ the judgement .
27 Alternatively , planners may have a high potential demand for these services , and are therefore concerned to make them easier to use and thereby to expand their use .
28 Systems such as PREPLAN can provide the user with sound models of the behaviour patterns of fire and are therefore of enormous value in land-use planning .
29 However , if cancers are of interest it is more appropriate to obtain data from regional cancer registries ; these data are morbidity rather than mortality data and are therefore more valuable .
30 Characteristics of the patient when well that are still present when ill are not actually a part of the picture of the acute illness and are therefore not important when selecting a remedy for the acute disease .
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