Example sentences of "[coord] [pos pn] brother " in BNC.

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1 I dreamed last night that I sat by a fire with Grandmother & my brother & when I woke up I still felt my brother 's hand .
2 ‘ I took a bowl of water and I gave it hirin , as if it was my father , or my brother , ’ said Kalchu .
3 My father was friendly enough but too obviously confident of his powers : if other parents complained to him about me or my brother , he always took our side and made it clear that he would roll up his sleeves and take on anyone who laid a finger on us .
4 I went with Father or my brother Jack at first , but later I took the horse and cart up myself .
5 ‘ But why could n't my mother or my brother say those words to me ? ’
6 Now I must go , or my brother will miss me . ’
7 I must go now , or my brother will guess I have been speaking to you .
8 It 's not it 's brother or sister , or their brother or sister , it is unique , and it 's pattern of development , although of course it will be broadly similar to other children , exactly like no other child , and in a sense I would feel that the parental job is to judge very carefully the needs and the developmental cycle of their own child , and then stimulate to the extent that that child needs .
9 It 's not it 's brother or sister , or their brother or sister , it is unique , and it 's pattern of development , although of course it will be broadly similar to other children , exactly like no other child , and in a sense I would feel that the parental job is to judge very carefully the needs and the developmental cycle of their own child , and then stimulate to the extent that that child needs .
10 ‘ Language ! ’ her mother would cry when Rita or her brother Bob said even ‘ crikey ’ or ‘ blimey ’ .
11 He wondered whether Alice Mair would invite Lessingham to stay the night at Martyr 's Cottage or whether he would be driven home later by her or her brother .
12 Something stronger than even me , or her brother Branwell .
13 Obviously they do n't need the same kind of money , but her like they do n't get a do n't get a grant for her or her brother ,
14 I wondered if it was him , playing on a pre-recorded tape ; or his brother .
15 The two brothers had not always got along very well but in spite of their differences , Spencer would never do anything to harm the firm or his brother .
16 And I think he knew more than was good for either you or your brother .
17 ‘ Just one more question : did your father or your brother own a gun of any sort ? ’
18 No one she had loved , no one she considered her own — neither her father , nor her mother , nor her brother , nor her friend Caroline — had reached such a ridiculous age .
19 And his brother he was in the er Spanish Civil War , he was an officer , he was a miner , but he left to join the the Spanish Brigade and er he came back and of course but after the General Strike they would n't neither set him nor his brother on the pits you know .
20 Well I , we did n't because me nor me brother and that .
21 I noticed that my mother kept asking my boyfriend and my brother 's girlfriend to move further and further over until they were almost standing on their own .
22 My mum knew and my brother , Jim .
23 ‘ This is my mother-in-law , my children , and my brother . ’
24 And my brother Oz and my baby sister Louise . ’
25 I remember going with my mother and my brother to a colliery tip about four miles away .
26 My father tries to escape from my mother and my brother tries to escape from them both .
27 He told me that he meant me no harm , but was a magician , who had made the music play around me , and wished to have my hand in marriage and live in my castle , with me and my brother , in peace hereafter .
28 The overnight passage to Aberdeen was wild and stormy and my brother Ian and I were amongst the few passengers on board capable of doing proper justice to the excellent dinner provided .
29 ‘ I keep in touch with both my sisters and my brother 's wife — she rings me every week or I ring her : And my niece and nephew — well , life would n't be worth living without them .
30 They 're going to replace my dad and my brother with robots .
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